It is time to make WoW an MMORPG game again, go back to its roots. Make the world alive, focus on community growth and activities. Every WoW developer, designer, story writer, etc. should go play FFXIV for a couple of months so they remember what an MMORPG is about. It is really sad to see what they have done to our loved Azeroth.
Azeroth has been put aside and abandoned, an after thought - or not even an after thought anymore. Just left to dust. Flying through Kalimdor, Eastern Kingdom, Northrend while picking up the pumpkins… is just so depressing… an empty world, devoid of all life… forgotten… its glory days over…
Instead of streaming about selling runs of SoD heroic, why not stream transmog competitions, why not invite the community to do old Glory achivement runs? Hell, why even sell SoD heroic runs? What about streaming inviting new players to raid with you for free? Or do M+ runs? How about coaching a new tank through an M+ run? As a lead, I believe that would bring much more value to your streams, rather than enforcing the sick boosting culture that is destroying the game.
The content is so poor, that people can’t wait to be able to skip entire campaigns because most of the quests are so numbly boring that nobody wants to do them more than once? I remember how much fun it was to level characters in WoD, I leveled so many alts. And how easy it was to get them ready for end game, no endless grinds of meaningless time sink boring systems upon systems…
It’s time to take a step back and realize the huge mess the game is in right now.
So I’ve been playing New World and it’s definitely better than WoW for me in many regards, including the feel that I’m actually playing an MMORPG. However, I was thinking the other day, WoW would be so much more fun to me, if I could just queue into all the harder content. Like Arena’s, M+, Heroic/Mythic raids. I really believe in SoloQ’s ability to make this game great for casuals like me. It would probably be good of them to also allow premade groups, but why wouldn’t they do that? They could add a soloQ and allow premade groups at the same time. I think the game would be better for it.
This is an anti flying thread, right?
Please no. I really don’t want them to add 4 hours of mandatory cutscenes to WoW.
Also, many people who play WoW have also played FF14 and hate it. I’m perfectly OK with them not trying to make WoW like FF14
You completely missed the point if that is the first thing that came to your mind. I am talking about the MMORPG experience we have in there, where the world is alive and casual content is abundant.
I think it’s another “Ybarra sells runs and I’m mad about it” thread.
You had classic and you saw what happened. It’s not blizzard that changed the game it’s the mentality of players
I know it’s a new game and hype is still there.
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Is this a joke?
Please tell me this is a joke.
As an 8 year long player of XIV, I assure you, the world isn’t alive at all. It only seems that way because of the influx of new players, once you get further in the game and see literally every single non-major city being a complete ghost town due to people having nothing to do in those zones, you’ll see that too.
It’s actually been a complaint about the game for years. 90% of fates aren’t worth doing, and most players just afk at houses or in towns and queue for everything, only fates that are worth doing are ones linked to the most recent relic quest, and even that’s debateable. The game desperately needs more stuff to do in the open world that isn’t just botany and mining.
The game is also seriously lacking in content right now for long time players. Shadowbringers has basically nothing to do, and most of its content involves sending people back to prior expansions to do things they already did years ago. It’s like an expansion that doesn’t want you to play it after a point, kinda sad.
Also if you hate endless boring grinds for little reward boy you’re gonna be in for a nasty surprise when you discover Bozja.
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I think we embraced convenience at the cost of community.
So basically the copium is costing the games soul.
Ill say that for Elder Scrolls Online…every zone is alive at all times, even the first ones.
This because alts are fun to play, events are being set in olders zones, gear from older zones can at times be relevant (with tuning and workovers on a regular basis), current daily quests sends you to older zone…
Everything scales…monsters and loot.
Found a source saying ESO has well over 1 mill players logging on daily, that is good numbers.
Their quarterly patch notes are bigger than Wow expac notes.
I still prefer WoW…sort of. I want to want to play more WoW, but the content/story is extremely boring, and the systems are undescribably bad and unbalanced.
I like shadowlands systems and think they’re done pretty well for how ambitious they are, but that’s interesting to hear on ESO. I always hear mixed reviews on that game and the open mic it has turns me off a bit, but maybe I’ll try it sometime.
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WoW still has all these things. You’ve just done them a hundred times.
Define every last bit of this and provide examples ![:laughing: :laughing:](
I don’t know what an MMORPG is, I mean I know definitively but I don’t know what you guys mean when you say it.
Gold I’d guess
This I can endorse lol
No no no lord ion knows best
Mythic raiding and mythic +++ casual +hardcore mode only
Never assume they will care about you.
It’s all about them sweet sweet time metrics.
If your not raiding your failing as ion always says
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I really enjoy ESO, but some zones do feel pretty empty. Especially the newer ones that you have to buy or sub to get to
From all MMOS we have i play wow simply because I play it longest time and will find something to do, and Elder Scroll Online. And yes every zone is always alive. I went to zone where you do main quest for first expansion or original release , and I run on few max players doing quests.
![:blush: :blush:](
I always support giving all players what they want though
Warmode exists so other “modes” can exist
I really didn’t like leveling in WoD at all after the first few times. It was an annoying slog for me personally and the world didn’t feel any more alive than this one did. Most of WoD’s end game imo was mostly unappealing so I skipped out on almost the entire expansion. In my opinion it is just about whether the person playing enjoys the content or not. I personally really liked the Alliance leveling in BfA more than Horde side and found a lot of the quests pretty fun while others perhaps hated it.
They’ve also tried to make the old world more alive with crossrealm. However the chose your own adventure path of leveling splits everyone up now making those zones less populated with the faster to level in zones likely being used more. And in regards to the chosing to do old content there probably are groups that do older content like that, or people that definitely go and farm old xmog and mounts.
All we can do is leave feedback though and hope it gets listened to in regards to what we’d like to see more.
If this game isn’t an mmorpg then what genre would you classify it as? This game is the sole definition of an mmorpg.