Please make World of Warcraft an MMORPG game again

yeah I’ve been avoiding FF14 because…90% of their characters are humans… I’d rather not be a human in one of these games lol

hmm the OP has a point but i cannot really agree to most of it. Time has changed and this game served a variety of people. Right now what I do weekly is mythic+ around 15-19 level, some arenas, and BGs. The part I hate about wow right now it the grind. If the whole maw + korthia area is gone i am totally fine. I don’t raid, i don’t like doing dailies, and I absolutely hate choreghast. Whenever i get into choreghast i literally wanna throw up. It is completely waste of 40 minutes of my life. What i want that wow does not have is the alt friendly catchups. When i see ret/dh/rogue/druid oneshot people within a global i wanna try that too. When i see frost mage do 13k dps in a mythic+ i wanna try that. But to have a such a toon, the preparation is too much. After 8 years of league of legend game experience and 3 years of pubg, i get so used to buying a champion/start a game and play with equal level of power.

I tried ff14 for 3 months. Did not really get into it. I have level 80 bard/monk, the 2.5 global is just too much. All the abilities are mostly dps rotation buttons and if i press soemthing wrong, it is not nearly as punishing as WoW. And utility skills are just too sparse like CC, slow, kick, windrush totem, walock gate, summoning stone. And PvP in ff14 was miserable when i played it last year. I can see it is great for casual players though

FF14 is probably one of the least MMORPG games I can think of compared to the traditional style of the genre.

It’s even more of a lobby game where people afk in capital cities than WoW is.

WoW was considered baby’s first MMORPG for years, and FF14 is even more casual friendly.

The only way to improve community is to completely stop timed contents. I’m pretty sure that was the descent into a truly toxic playerbase as it dwindled.

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I’ve always been under the impression that zones should be “generic” and always have things to do in them. Like, I don’t understand why so many MMOs move EVERYTHING current to the “new” zones which leaves a lot of the old world dead and empty. There’s no reason to go there. With phasing and the like old zones can be used to tell new stories along with the new zones. It would be like opening a new Chicago zone when the old New York zone is still functioning and bustling with life. Just because Chicago is there, doesn’t mean that New York stopped existing. With the world as large and vast as it is, I’d LOVE to see them keep it all relevant.

Like maybe a cultist group is starting to take over Westfall, so we go out there to investigate which leads to some new adventures in the zone and a new dungeon or something. The world is VAST…so lets use it!!!



I love that you picked WoD for your example of how much better things used to be. It’s sad because it’s true. I still enjoy levelling new characters in WoD over SL. If only they hadn’t abandoned it halfway through, it would be remembered much more fondly. Bonus points for telling a story that, no matter how ridiculous, at least managed to feel like World of Warcraft.


The meme I usually see is ActionRPG

I still don’t understand what people mean when they say make it a mmorpg again either though.

Massively = yes, unless your definition of massive is different than mine
Multiplayer = It’s not single player is it?
Online = It’s not offline is it?

and since they call it an ActionRPG that would mean they see it as an RPG so :confused:

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Ah, so players weren’t truly toxic before Legion. xD

You know there’s plenty of things to do in WoW for casual content, you just choose not to do it.

As more thinner skinned players (as the toxic players would derisively call them) leave, you’re left with what we have today.

removing emotes and not adding tons more to make up for it, and the lack of customizations…yeah they got work to do if they want this to feel like an mmo again.

i don’t think that model would make money though, so the more modern approach is likely to stay. it’s also better for new/returning players since the game is more of a “seasonal” feel to it. which i honestly think has some advantages to those of us that work and go to school, or just need to take breaks every now and again.

i do hope they work on the world more, that would def help maintain some of that mmo “soul” if they care :nerd_face:

Hahahahahahahahahahaha tell me you’re trash at the game with out saying you’re trash

Well this screams “i’m making my subjective opinions objective” right off the bat, doesn’t it?..

Regardless how you feel about it, objectively speaking, WoW is an MMORPG. And still is last time i check.

…Exactly how and what makes FFXIV an MMORPG?..

Okay. I mean what you feel is subjective, but alright…

Alright, go do it then. I mean you care about the community, so why not you start those things? :man_shrugging:

That’s like asking “Why even trade with players for exchange of gold?”.

Boosting is like anything else to trade with in this game. Person A has the product, Person B wants that product, Person B gives gold for the product, Person A gives the product. Or in this instance, help, since paying for players to help you out isn’t unheard of or abnormal.

It’s the IRL money exchange that’s unacceptable. Regardless if it’s safe to do or not.

Because you didn’t give a point in that comment.

You just said “People i’ve listed here should go play FFXIV for a couple of months so they remember what an MMORPG is about” without even explaining what is an MMORPG is about…

…What does that mean?.. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

You mean something like the launch of WoW Classic? That’s fine to want that.

I wouldn’t say i hate it, just bored with it and it’s not really my cup of tea.

You like it or not but MMO’s are alive if they have scaling. Yes you feel more powerful when you can one shot because of the scaling but remember without scaling you only have latest content available. And there is no MMO’s or there will never be a MMO’s that can provide enough content in just one expansion or patch.

Lower you standards to realistic level, stop watching streamers and their opinions if the game is good or not, stop following guides what is meta at the moment and trust me you will have blast in this game

I am not a mythic raider or something and reason for that is because I don’t have coordinated group that can listen to one person l, and I’m not that percent of playerbase that min max everything. Because if these reason I can’t be mythic raider or be accepted in hard core content , but that’s fine. There is a reason players are able to queue for content that even if no one says a word you can complete it. Hardcore stuff requires coordination on par and it’s ok people can’t queue for it let’s be honest. It would cause much more drama

mmm I’m going to pretend you said “but remember other players only have the latest content without scaling” because I spend more time in old content than current content.

I think they are squarely at realistic :+1: Non scaling mode for players that want that and scaling mode for players that want that gg.


I’ll continue to never start good sir!

Meta doesn’t really matter to me since

I spend more time in old content than current content.


Already do! Would have a bigger blast without scaling

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It’s amazing if you have fun, but since you’re doing old content means scaling doesn’t affect you so much? Lvl to 50 and there is no scaling in old content. They are all one shot NPC’s. If you mean on that type of scaling.

If you mean on vanilla type scaling that’s different

How’s that?

And bats eyes what content would I have to do in order to level to 50?

Ok you’re referring to scaling in leveling processes for example ( you can level up in Barens above the level they where designed for)

The reason we have scaling is alts. You think I would love to spend months in one zone because there is no scaling and I have to put level that zone with my limited time?

No, it doesn’t sound like you would and I’m never in favor of taking anything away from anyone :-1:

Non scaling mode