Please make the Legion Mage tower druid forms obtainable again

I started playing WoW in late shadowlands and started playing druid in dragonflight. I’ve had lots of fun going through all the various little bits of content to unlock new druid forms. I appreciate that even old meta achievement forms like the Balance of Power forms are still here if you decide to grind for them.

This for druid players IS the transmog experience since we spend the majority of our time shapeshifted (excluding resto and starry moonkin).

There are however many forms that are no longer available. The bear and cat forms that aren’t available anymore are content that no longer exists in the game. The blue ghost of the pridemother is my favorite druid form in the game but I’ll never have the opportunity to get it on my character because of this restriction.

My proposed solution is a scaled up version of the mage tower challenges for max level characters that is always available. Keeping the old rewards the same.

I’m sure there are more players like me who have not experienced this content and would love to experience at least a somewhat similar version of it. In addition this allows players a means to obtain these druid forms.

TLDR: Bring back Ghost of the Pridemother, and scale up the mage tower challenges because FOMO is bad.


No. You don’t get to have things just because you want them. Exclusivity is good for a game.


Form exclusivity is not good for the game. This is a core part of who and what a druid is. BRING THE TRANSMOGS BACK!


Wait for Legion classic


Yes, it is. Blizz has given you other werebear options. You don’t get to whine and have the Legion mage tower forms just cause. It’s a reward for those who supported and played the game during Legion.


I seriously despise the player base of WoW now. IDK how this many people can take blizzards side on things. THEY CHANGED THE RULES OF THE WEAPON TMOGS. Most players never got the forms because when the mage tower was out you couldn’t transmog your forms. Had people known that at the time I’m sure more people would have done them. They changed the rules … which changes everything with it. I have the forms … and I could care less if they re-release them. They are just as hard as the day they were released if not harder.


Blizzard announced for over a year for people to get the mage tower appearances because they would be going away and not coming back. Even more, it became ridiculously easy to do by the end to the point you could walk in wearing greens and clear it if you weren’t a pepega. Transmog had nothing to do with whether you got the forms or not, it’s just an excuse.

And for people who didn’t play, sorry not sorry. There have been new forms added. Be happy with those. People who continuously play should have rewards that aren’t always available.


I have all the mage tower forms. I think they should come back.

…what greens were above normal tomb of sargeras ilevel (which is probably what the mage tower was balanced around)? Pretty sure those only ever dropped at an ilevel below emerald nightmare’s raid finder, even when we were in Antorus.


I disagree that exclusivity is good for the game. Fear of missing out is a powerful short term motivator but ultimately leads to a game being more devoid of meaning full content.

It’s a short term solution with long term consequences. WoW has a huge problem with old content being deleted or becoming irrelevant. Bringing back scaled up mage tower challenges and giving people the old rewards is nothing but good for the game.


The mage tower was nerfed, repeatedly, as it got close to the end.

Thankfully, I don’t care what you think. People had several years to get the forms. If you weren’t playing, sorry not sorry. And every single game has had exclusive items, appearances, etc… It is good as it rewards the long time players, not the FOMO players who are gone in a couple of months anyway.


See: the MoP lego cloak questline, the WoD lego ring questline, the BFA choice to support sylvanas or work against her (Er-- that is gone, right? …or am I misremembering things?)…


I don’t see how allowing others to get rewards affects those who played back then? They will continue to have their rewards.

Could you explain why keeping these druid forms unobtainable is good for the current game?

My opinion is that the game would have more content and thus be better if they were enabled again.


People who play the game long term should have rewards for playing the game long term. Not sure how you’re having trouble following this, I’ve now said it multiple times.


It is, but at what point does it become too much? Blizzard is just making everything exclusive and limited time. I understand for PVP sets, but seriously for mage tower? At least update it every year or so.


The mage tower was literally a once in a game event. If anything it should remain unavailable. They can and should continue to add more forms, but those should remain locked. Just like the MOP challenge mode sets.


Content != rewards

Mage tower is there if you wanna do the content

I’m 50/50 on them bringing these forms back.

I would like people to have the forms and enjoy using them but at the same time, you would see every single Druid using them not making it unique anymore.

Collecting Druid forms is content in my opinion.


I have the forms. I’m not against them coming back, but Blizzard already reintroduced the mage tower into the game and I doubt they’ll ever bring back any new or old rewards. They removed the content, they added the content back. A reward, sadly, isn’t content, the content was the challenge and the challenge is still there.

The best you can hope for are new cool forms, and hopefully too, full customization at the character creation screen for animal forms – similar to the choices dracthyr have. Armors, furs, spots or stripes, the whole nine yards.

I think there is also the elephant in the room, which is if Blizzard did add the original mage tower rewards back to the game, players would stop at nothing until Blizzard added back CM rewards, elite and glad pvp rewards, m+ rewards, and so on. It is a can of worms for Blizzard, so they avoid it.

Weird thing to say on a discussion board. But go off I guess.

But what about the people who would stay longer, and become part of the community, but get turned off by all the FOMO stuff? If you come in to game and see 100s of things you can no longer and will never more be able to get, that is incredibly demotivating.