I have noticed this problem, and so I turn pet taunt off if it’s a giant world boss, but I’ll leave it on if it’s like a Hallowfall farm rare just in case the tank dies, or to give him a break if there’s no healer / he’s undergeared / etc.
But, I also learned to move my pet properly while it’s tanking. This is something every Hunter should think about, because I see rares and bosses being tanked in gunk all the time, and it’s annoying (especially when I’m playing my Rogue alt. XD)
But yeah, I understand your concerns. But this could be solved with some awareness on the Hunter’s part.
Just make hunter pets way less tanky so they die.
In dungeon or raid auto growl is turned off automatically. I have macro that passes threat to focused tank. World bosses die so fast I don’t think it matters. If I cast intimidate on WB fight it might pull agro not sure since my pets don’t die and boss is dead in less than 30 seconds. Not sure we have an issue to fix here
It would also help you too if places like Icey Veins didn’t tell people to NOT use Misdirect when building out their talents. Yes, Growl should still be off in a big fight. But Misdirect is a big issue too. Sadly not all Hunters are created equal. And Icey Veins hands out bad info to a lot of people.
Just checked.
Icy Veins does tell people to take misdirect for MM.
It does not for BM.
How is that bad info?
If a Hunter levels up it bugs out and taunt is turn back on but it doesn’t highlight as auto cast, they will need to manually change it back to auto cast then off again.
And put a long cooldown on revive pet.
Or just make it so that pet taunt only works when the pet owner has threat, which is the actual solution.
The random ALlliance hunters ripping threat of tanks with thier pets is extremely annoying. Can give them a special skill to pull if needed but not always active. See more Horde turning it off durring elites and boss fights, more Alliance derping it making tanks annoyed in open world getting people killed. Or running outside caves in Siren. I stop tanking on my Alliance and Horde tanks if I see it happen till the pets are dead.
Pets can taunt every 8 seconds, if set to auto cast. That’s it. This does not apply instances like dungeons and raids as Blizz has realized hunters will forget to turn off auto cast and it is automatically turned off when zoning in.
No they don’t.
Pets also have taunt, and taunt just transfers all threat to whoever taunts.
I’ve either said it in this thread or similar others.
As a full time tank (though not a tank who runs trivial content levels…aka LFR/G usually) that I very quickly adopt a “do not care” philosophy. If my co tank like in LFR wants to be the main tank/character and press taunt whenever…they can have the boss and I’ll be ready to defend myself if they die.
And I don’t give a single flying eff if Fluffy dies. If you, as the hunter, are too dumb to not only realize you turned pet taunts on but then can’t figure out (or are too incompetent) to turn it back off, you can spend your entire dungeon run petless or reviving it. You are going to catch my ire too if I tell you to hero/lust and you don’t because it’s dead or you’re mad about it dying too much. I’m not playing taunt wars with your pet especially in this day and age when Blizzard forces the correct decision on you from the get go and turns it off for you in the first place.
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Hunters who can’t control their pets need to hang it up and roll another class. This coming from a hunter.
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I HAVE BEEN WANTING THIS FOR YEARS. Its ridiculous that a pet is a better tank than a tank.
Which is dumb and the point of this post which you are missing.
OP was having trouble with pets taking aggro. BMs should have it in their tree too. I have to build around the lack of it in the tree for my Beast Master. Im sure tanks would appreciate all the aggro misdirection they can get from the Hunters.
Have to say, this has never happened to any of my pets (Warlock or Hunter) in open-world content, unless the Tank dies.
As a rule, they generally get through open-world boss fights, where a Tank is involved, unscathed.
I guess my question is… who cares? They are a bunch of random people doing a world boss. They can move out of the bad or just stand there and die. lol you don’t need to worry about them.
I do, cause I’d like to, I dunno… perform my job as a tank and not end up playing ‘spin the dragon’ with the pets of a gajillion hunters?
Make it so growl on auto-cast won’t fire off if the target is aggroed onto a tank.
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world bosses are not instanced so growl is not turned off automatically