Please make tank role player threat > pet threat

So I’ve gotten to wondering this anytime I’m tanking a world boss.

Usually a hunter pet will pull agro off me and no matter how much I taunt and try to get agro back the hunter pet holds much higher threat. This leads to the world boss being tanking in AOE damaging areas and players dying or taking unnecessary damage because players in the tank role cannot hold higher threat than players’ pets.

Are there any plans to make it so that players in the tank role are prioritized with higher threat above player pets? I submitted this feedback in-game but I see that with the upcoming threat changes there’s been nothing mentioned to address this issue.

I think it’d be better game design for sure to have it this way. So rather than the open world rare boss being kept in pools of damaging boss abilities players can properly move the rare world boss into a safe position and tank it preventing other players from taking unnecessary damage.

Often times random players there to engage the boss in combat are not listening to requests to turn off pet taunt.

Update: I’m being told it’s an un-ending pet taunt ability which makes it not possible for players to tank world rares. If that is the case I do hope that can be resolved.


I believe you are confusing threat with taunt. Pets have taunt.


You know the funniest part of this? Growl ripping threat off a tank in instanced content basically has to be intentional. That ability gets disabled whenever you queue into a dungeon or raid. You have to manually turn it back on.


Oh so they just spam taunt non-stop then so the tanks trying to tank cannot get agro and move the boss out of the damaging AOE. That’s no better of a situation though. Hopefully someday they get why this shouldn’t be like this and do something about it.

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You konw how awesome it would be if I could /emote and have them as taunt?

/raspberry ?
/Dance (off)


i have noticed a bug though, if you level up as a hunter in a dungeon, your pet will start taunting again even if it’s toggled off. you have to dismiss your pet and resummon it to fix it


In dungeons, the pet will taunt if the hunter takes damage or gets aggro, even if it’s turned off. That’s not a bug.

The original post refers to world bosses, so growl isn’t automatically turned off.



Pet taunts shouldn’t work unless their owner currently has threat on the taunt target.

Nope, the reason I keep my pet out in dungeons is if the tank is about to die I can use pet taunt to give the healer a chance to heal the tank. Pet death does not lead to a wipe tank death does.


especially as a new tank, grab this Weakaura:

It will tell you when someone accidentally taunts, or when pets taunt, or when rock elemental, bottle gnomes, or treants are taunting off you.

It’ll also tell you when Tricks/Misdirect goes out.

I believe by default it’s only set to do this in small group content (M+, etc), but in the ‘Load’ tab you can make it activate in all content if you simply ensure that only ‘Alive’ is selected in that tab, removing all the other checkmarks:


What good does that do?

in this case clarifies for OP what is going on. But there are many other uses if you use a bit of imagination.

I thought they were fixing that by eliminating pets from MM hunters.

This, and it has been bugged for YEARS.

The simple solution for tanks is to know that they’ve hit everything in the pack, and just ignore whatever the pet taunts. If it dies then it learns. Maybe.


Not exactly – if you’re in a leveling dungeon, Growl/Suffering(Voidwalker taunt) will automatically turn itself onto autocast if you level up. [Note that it will still visually appear as if it is not on auto-cast upon leveling up]


Just wow, what a waste of your time and ours.

This was a change quite a while ago. Devs finally saw new hunters struggling as a problem and not understanding “turn off pet taunt” so they auto disabled it in instances. I would say this change was made around the last 5 years-ish.

Why does it matter with a glorified mob that dies in 30 seconds that has no threatening mechanics? If it isn’t the pet that taunts it’ll be one of the other seven tanks in the group trying to get the free piece of loot.

Not to be negative nancy.

But i just let the pet die.

This post feels a bit like re arranging the deck chairs on the titanic. This game is dieing. Bots and rmt are taking over.

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It can and does bug - in an instance it will auto toggle off and show as toggled off, but will still trigger anyway.

Now if the player with the pet leaves it on and keeps letting the pet taunt, then they might be trolling (or maybe just really bad - in which case just let the pet die).