Please make separate setting for druid flight form

I just read that in the pre-patch, there will be a setting for static vs. dynamic flight for mounts, and that druid flight form will also be able to use static vs. dynamic.
I do love the speed of dynamic flight for getting around, but I cannot part with the benefits of static flight of druid flight form for small area questing. When we got our druid flight back this expansion, I rejoiced with my fellow druids in-game, discussing how much we had missed it.
Blizzard, when you add the setting for static vs. dynamic mount flight, please don’t tie the druid flight form to that, but rather have a separate setting. If you have them combined in one setting, it will be a HORRIBLE quality of life for druids to have to keep adjusting the setting to get their mounts to operate one way (dynamic) and their flight form to operate another (static).
If you have them separate, it gives druids the freedom to play the way they want to play.

Thanks for listening!


It’s confirmed to be a toggle ability.

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A separate toggle for flight form?


The ability to choose whether you want to dynamic flight or static flight will be a toggle so people can choose which kind of flying they want whenever they want.

The whole point of this post is asking Blizzard to not link flight form to that toggle and instead have it be its own setting.


Am i missing something? You toggle it once and leave it and never worry about it again

I agree with OP, needs to be a toggle for mounts and a separate toggle for flight form, so we can have dynamic flight on our mounts and static flight on our flight form, without having to toggle each time we swap from a mount to flight form.


What you are missing is Blizzard has two ways they could implement this. They could either make one toggle that controls how ALL flying works (mounted and flight form) OR they could make two toggles (one that controls mounted and a separate one that controls flight form).
The OP is advocating for the the latter option as it gives druids the flexibility to play how they want to play.


Former allows the same thing too. You can probably macro the toggle to flightform if nothing else and that way you can have both without any extra work needed forna single class

You are assuming that the setting can be macroed and that I’m not already using all my macros, and the burden it will be to either update the macro or make a new macro every time I want to use a different flying mount to switch back to dynamic for mounted flight.

Honestly, I’m not sure why you would argue against making a druid’s life easier.

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Because of this scenario:

If youre going to be using the toggle switch, 6 times, for 6 different mounts, in 6 different scenarios, one more isnt going to hurt you.

Its busy work for the sake of busy work

I don’t understand this statement at all. You are proposing poor quality of life vs. Blizzard listening to a suggestion to promote good quality of life.


Getting dymanic flying for all mounts in q QoL
Getting the toggle for those who dont like it is QoL

Not getting an extra toggle option as a Druid when not all Druids will even conform != poor QoL lol

It doesn’t equal poor quality of life for you because you don’t care, but for all those that do care, having to perform extra steps does not equal good quality of life. It’s an extra burden.

You can provide all the work arounds you want, but it doesn’t make for a better experience for the user.

Thats not how QoL changes work lol. You dont go backwards.

Adding static flying in DF was a QoL for many. Not caring, not wanting it, or accidentally choosing a dragonriding mount when you wanted a static flying mount doesnt make it poor QoL

Allowing Dragonriding in old world is QoL. Not wanting to use Dragonriding or not caring about it doesnt make it a poor QoL

Getting a toggle that allows you to use any mount in any way you see fit is a QoL. Not getting an extra toggle doesnt make it a poor QoL

In fact. Having to deal with two toggles actually sounds like:

I agree with the OP! I want my mounts to be dynamic, and my flight form to be static. So, a separate setting would work for me.


So use the toggle?

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Yeah, I would agree with having it as a separate setting. My guess is that the toggle will be buried in some settings menu or on the mount screen, making it clunky to try to switch mid-flight. Also, because dynamic flight has a special UI and its own action bar, they might attach a cast time to it, which would be awful. I like the idea of a separate set-and-forget for flight form.

We really need that, hope they dont wait 10 years to add to the game…

Well, it looks like Blizzard didn’t implement it as a separate setting AND it has a 5 second cast time to change it, so you won’t be able to change it mid-flight. This is awful.