Please make hardcore servers pvp

Hah you think the lvl 40 Undead rogue is gonna let any alliance into duskwood?

Horde don’t have to enter a PvP zone until after scarlet monastery if they don’t want to. And their zeppelins aren’t in PvP zones.


the lone lvl 40 undead rogue could probably be taken out by a 5-man party of 30’s. sparing that, you could get 2 5-man parties out there and take him out fairly easily.

You don’t see the big picture huh :joy:. Whatever 5 man team kills the other 5 man team dominates the server. The first 5 man team to 40 with mounts can eliminate everyone else and it’s over.

Then only one faction will have control of the server. Funny enough this happened to the big PvP Softcore servers.

Look at Benediction and Faerlina


yeah, but if they are in SM leveling , who is going to stop the alliance from questing to the same level? horde don’t go into a contested zone until mid/late 20’s. are you suggesting the horde would blue wall in uncontested zones until they got high enough level to grind SM to 40? that would take them forever compared to the alliance who could quest past it and be in felwood when they are getting out of SM at lvl 40?

It all depends on who sleeps the least. The no life neets would kill everyone off it’s DOA.

Who would spend 20 hours leveling to get to duskwood just to get one shot? And then spend another 20 hours just to get one shot again.


you seem pessimistic to me. i’ll leave it at that. go ahead and play horde on a hardcore pvp server, and leave the alliance to the alliance players, and i’m sure you have no doubt, the average player in a HC realm is not your average fearlina/benediction player with server transfers available to leave a pvp rules set server at the first sign of trouble.


Are you gonna be playing 22+ hours a day for a couple days? If you don’t you won’t last long.

The no life’s will be. And they’ll just be waiting in their 5 man rogue team for you. DOA.

It would be cool for like a week just to prove to you this outcome.


yeah maybe. maybe not.

truth is, a 5-man party of druids in bear form would take out a 5 man party of rogues at equal level, no problem, if they were good.

3 druids, a mage with ice block, and a prot warrior are pretty rogue-proof too.

But either way, you couldn’t tell me people wouldn’t flask for wpvp if they could :smiley:

i see you are from grobbulus and not experienced at low level world pvp vs. 60’s. we have had events where 8 level 25 rogues killed a level 60 horde warlock in hillsbrad.

Let’s say you wanted to gank alliance in Redridge, the 1st contested zone. i’d bet the house you won’t make it to level 25 on an official hardcore server. you’re severely underestimating how hard hardcore leveling is.

There will be little to no griefing on official hardcore servers where death = auto delete because it’s too damn hard to grief without ever dying.

Everyone would have one life… or pay blizz $25 to come alive again.

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Pvp HC is dead on arrival.


There was leaked code from the 10.1 patch suggesting a pop window when selecting a realm and a pop window when creating a character with the label “hardcore”.

Yeah and people are running with it. Likely just a warning for Bloodsail.

Nice post OP, you’ve really captured the psychology of a person who think they’ll be the griefer.

In reality we all know you’d be the one getting griefed before you got high enough level to do anything though.


BSB is not an official HC server, there would be no legitimate reason to make a warning there.
They’ve already acknowledged hard core players with the soul of Iron buff on the seasonal server. There’s a ton of interest in the play style. And ofc money to be made. I bet they do it.


Yeah I don’t think most people here have tried to lvl in hardcore. Most aren’t making it to 20 on their first attempt. It takes some multiple tries.

Sir bloodsail is a PvERP realm. Not a hardcore one as that doesnt exist yet.

I saw the other post you put up and its nice to know you are still retarded I guess.

I’ve got that account banned. It was a bot streaming. dude literally streamed a bot 24x7.

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