Please Make Eonar Soloable

I guess it could stand to be easier.

I just remember being able to do it after nerfs in SL (they did a Legion nerf then) and ofc we get a power increase in DF.

Maybe they can remove the spaceship requirement or just make it one node for players who find it a challenge.

Yep 100 two big roadblocks they made slightly easier in SL was the ladies/eonar and big sword guy.

The frustration is understandable, as Eonar is not in-line with other legacy bosses, but the encounter is soloable by any class if you’re willing to sit down and practice a bit. When I started to farm Antorus, it took me around 40 minutes of practicing, after watching a guide, to get the encounter down, but after that I could one-shot the encounter on all my alts, of every class. If you’ll bear with me for a little, I can give the step-by-step on how to do it:

First lesson: do not kill everything on sight. Every time you kill adds, Eonar’s energy bar goes up, and at full she wipes the area. You need to make it so she clear the area right after a new portal spawn and just before you enter the ship. The Fel Reavers are to blame for most wipes as they nuke Eonar soon after they spawn, so they should be your priority targets.

To accomplish this, you’ll do the following: after you start the encounter, jump to the entrance, that’s where the first portal spawns. Kill the first wave of adds until the Fel Reaver spawns. Kill it then jump to the high platform close to Eonar (assuming your character is facing her to start the encounter, the platform is to the right of your character). There will be a single add spawn and a Fel Reaver. After you kill them, jump to the front of Eonar and wait for the add wave to get close and kill it. Then, wait for the add wave to the right of Eonar to the start going up the ramp and kill one of them. This will prompt Eonar’s clear and you can go into the ship asap.

Kill the add on the ship and proceed to the crystals. Make sure to go to the back crystals first. As stated above, once you click the crystal, you can walk while channeling the cast, so click and go to the next one. Use movement ability to cross the hallway to the 3rd crystal then use the wing jump to get to the 4th. You should have plenty of time before the ship’s nuke. After exiting the ship, go immediately to the opposite side of the area, that’s where the next portal will spawn.

The portal will have adds and a Fel Reaver. Kill everything there and jump back to Eonar and await the next add wave to get to her. Kill one of them and she’ll nuke the area again. Now go back to the portal opposite of Eonar’s location.


Kill the last wave of adds and Eonar should do a final nuke in the area and end the encounter.

If you’ve done what I described and is still missing a bit for the final nuke, jump to the center platform and wait for the bats to fly by and kill them and you’ll still complete it.

Again, most of the encounter revolves around killing add groups around a set timer. There’s a bit of wiggle room for mistakes, but with practice you’ll be able to do Mythic Eonar with just muscle memory.


I’d almost rather they added a skip to Dragon Soul. Spine of Deathwing is very hard to solo as well, and it’s way older than Eonar.

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Spine is extremely easy. I think you mean it’s “tedious.”


Yeah, I only die to it if I am daydreaming.

I just sit there for 10 minutes going, “1… 2… 3…, move; 1… 2… 3…, move!” while standing on either side of his spine.

It’s a shame that that was the Deathwing fight (including the last boss fight).

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Legally speaking it is soloable

But it certainty could suck significantly less to do it, kinda weird its semi hard to solo still

At least spine you can just go afk for 5 minutes then clear it

You kill all but 1 tentacle and just sit in the hole, Deathwing will rotate left or right depending on what side you are on but you dont fall off due to the buff from the hole. Each rotation spawns 1 blood and the bloods dont fall off on rotate - when you spawned total number of bloods needed, kill last tentacle and the mob spawns.

Helps with doing this easily - can sit in a hole and let it rotate while you go afk.

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It’s soloable, you just kind of have to do a fine dance, and use a speed pot in the ship and the wings to get the crystals in time is all.

It’s very hard to pull off though, and I wish they would just remove the ship mechanic all together, as it’s legacy content so it’s pointless to keep some things like that in still which makes it extremely hard to do.

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Might as well go one step further and talk to an npc, watch a cinematic of what happend and then loot the chest.

Most people already know what happened because we did it back when it was current and the only reason we go now is because of wanting stuff we didn’t get be it mounts or outfits so it’s not like as if it should be as annoying as it was years ago.


I wasnt being sarcastic it was a legit option - remember way back when when they changed ICC healing boss to be skipped. Do it for this boss also.

I’d only want a skip if it’s also still made easier to complete because the boss has a decent loot table of items that lots of people could or would want, the ICC boss wasn’t the only one that held most of the stuff she drops so it’s not as big of a deal kind of like when people say they want Ordos but can get everything he drops elsewhere.


I mean that’s what you essentially do for the bulk of the legacy flights, one hit and they just explode.

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Yup, she still sucks hardcore…

Wow. I keep coming back here and man it’s hard.

They need to remove the whole ship thing. >:(

SIGH. That took 5 tries to kill her. That shouldn’t be happening from a boss from multiple expansions ago.

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