Please Make Eonar Soloable

At the moment Eonar, in Antorus, is extremely difficult to solo.

By the time I get to the four things I have to click and try to leave that Legion ship, she’s dead.

Please make her easier to solo. I’d like loot from her, and she’s the ONLY boss in Antorus that isn’t soloable yet.

Maybe you can lower the number of adds or give her more health, I don’t know. But she’s completely different from the other bosses due to her mechanic.


you’re not allowed to ask for old raid nerfs here jsyk

trust me the people here are very adamant against it

saying stuff like “its fine” or “git gud”


If you don’t mind some advice- since being able to use wings in ship it hasn’t been too bad. Is that something you’re doing?

(Hunter PoV but I am happy to try the challenge on a different class if need guidance)


Elk, you’re so helpful. :dracthyr_heart:


It’s solo-able on blood-dk.

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Aha thank you :blush:. I have a bit of time off so the forum has given me purpose :rofl:. You are too!


I had used the wings twice. I had tried it on my ret paladin.

The fight is VERY tight. Even with two people it’s difficult…

I wish they’d do something about this. It’s unreasonable, to me, that one single boss is harder to solo than all other bosses combined and then some for an old raid.


What would be an awesome and huge QOL improvement for people is to let us just skip to the end like they did in SoO or make the unlock quest account bound. Do it on one toon, your bnet now has the skipped unlocked.

Please consider this, Blizz.


While the skip would be great, Eonar unfortunately drops a lot of awesome transmog for all armor qualities, so a way to solo her easily (as easy as the other bosses) would be favorable.


You’re right, I’m sorry, I kind of hijacked your thread. All legacy bosses should definitely be soloable once they’re 4-years old.


My paladin definitely wants the mythic Antorus class set, but I haven’t tried to do it without a group because of Eonar.


You can do it without wings aside from getting on and off the ship and then to the platforms. At least you can on a balance druid that doesn’t shift cat and sprint because lazy. An important note is don’t go on the ship RIGHT as it spawns, hang back for a bit and go to the far top door and wipe that out first. Otherwise it’ll just nuke Eonar and pay attention to her energy bar thing.

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Eonar seems…fine? Although I do wish the skip was account-wide.

Not really. If I can run around on BDK and have plenty of room for error I imagine it’s a breeze with two people on classes with mobility. Also on the ship you only have to click the crystals then can immediately start moving; the channel/cast finishes regardless.

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I didn’t know this so thanks for the tip.

I’ve been avoiding that raid for now :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, I only figured it out because I moved by mistake then realized that I had been wasting time sitting there and finishing the “cast”. :dracthyr_sweat:

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I reference this video when I forget the pattern of the fight. Its doable its just you have to be very on task and hit the specific mechanic windows,

Did you know you click the crystal then go to the next one. You don’t have to stand there to channel it. Save whatever speed boost you have to get to next and use the wings ability to fly across the room. You should be able to get out with plenty of time remaining.

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There’s a strategy that involves only killing a certain number of mobs that come out from the second portal spawn down below. Kill like 5 regular mobs and immediately go to where the flower portals to the ship are and Eonar will 1 shot the rest of the active adds on the map right when the portals open. Use the wings and don’t stand still when you click the crystals, and use any speed boosts then as well if you need to. Once you get it down, then you shouldn’t have any problems going forward. It’s doable solo, just not in the traditional sense that most of us are used to.

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I’ve watched guides and I think I’m just a moron. Tried it on a monk and a hunter and I just can’t do it. Really want to farm the raid for the Shackled Ur’zul but I just can’t get past Eonar. I don’t have anyone to run it with, so I just give up after a couple tries. The guides are great, but I am just a dummy and can’t make it work. /shrug


I’m sorry if you already answered this but did you do what Kennie said? Click on the crystal then run? That should be the fight much, much easier.