Please make BGS pug vs pug and premade vs premade

Please, stop forcing me to group up with 10 strangers in order to have any chance in pvp.
There’s a reason you do it that way in retail, please.


Preach brother! premades are ruining the game. People will quit over this fiasco


Blizzard never did it in vanilla, and i seriously doubt they will do it here. Why not… I have no idea, full premades should have always had their own matchmaking system. Not having it was bad development, and they never listened to the community. Will they now… probably not.

I believe in Vanilla you were capped at a party of 5 to queue for BG’s which would help.

Roll a healer if you insist on solo queuing, and be the change!


no it was full premades back then too… they never limited it.

Upvoting every thread bringing this up as it is inexcusable and should have been changed long ago.


Are you sure. I’m talking Vanilla not Classic.

I swear I can remember forum complaints that players were cheesing the limit by multiple groups queung at the same time.

you could always que with less than a full premade, but you also could always queue as full premade… I got first Mage Warlord (said ‘F-it’ to High Warlord) on Alexandria, back in vanilla, thanks to my full premade group.

The trade chat premades are incredibly bad I’m sure a bunch of skilled pugs could dumpster them.

They can but its pretty rare. Trade pugs are able to build a perfect team comp with 2/3 priests, so thats a big factor in still beating random pugs.

Trade/LFG chat pugs will also actually try to play Capture The Flag in WSG, not do crap like this:

Bump in the night