Please make Amirdrassil big like Teldrassil

What is the matter with you? Do you even play night elf? Im super glad opinions like yours are the tiny minority, otherwise my favorite race would never get any love, good gods

What’s the “matter” with me? I don’t like that the WoW universe is being done dirty by lazy writing. It’s lazy writing to bring things and people back from the dead. It means their deaths – and therefore their lives – had no meaning. When death and sacrifice don’t mean anything anymore, the story loses gravitas and tension. Races and characters shouldn’t be treated with the kid gloves on all the time.

It also means the writers are creatively bankrupt. They don’t know how to write Night Elves without a big tree. The story is over 15 years old and it would nice to see a change. For example, how Night Elves may choose to regroup and rebuild without a big tree. How Night Elves view the world and other cultures now that their home base is gone. There is so much potential just wasted – and I think it’s actually to the detriment of the Night Elf story to keep things samey-samey.

My very first character was a Night Elf Hunter in vanilla. It’s weird that asking me if I even play Night Elf is more important to you than asking me to clarify my point.


Its not weird at all, I personally along with a great many others would like to see a home tree once again. Just because its not the sort of story YOU prefer does not mean it isnt one that is wanted by others. Dont make the mistake of thinking that your opinion is the only thing that can make a decent story. The writers arent creatively bankrupt, without them you wouldnt have a story here at all, and its as simple as leaving and finding something better if you are so bothered by it in the first place. I dont care about your first character, if you dont have a lot invested in the nelf story ‘now’ then why have an opinion at all?

I’m just hoping we could actually explore it, instead of it being instanced or part of a skybox.

I personally think Teldrassil was a dumb idea in the 1st place and think that moving back into a tree after what happened to Teldrassil as writing the Night Elves to be oblivious AF. Hell the fact that they are growing another world tree makes them seem oblivious AF. Literally every World Tree has been destroyed or corrupted in some way. We need to stop with making world trees. There are other, more interesting options apart from “Night Elves need to live in a giant tree”.


So why are the Night elves so special blizzard is bending over backwards to please them when they’re plenty of other races that have problems that haven’t been solved for years, lore left in pieces, or down right ignored, because they cry the loudest?

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If it were up to me, I’d have the Night Elves retake Dire Maul and turn that into their capital, and then let them sit in the back ground for a few xpacs and let some other races be the punching bag for awhile. But it’s not up to me.

I’m not against Night elves getting closure even if I come off like it and I like your suggestion quite abit, but blizzard gonna blizzard.

I’m just getting more and more annoyed by the demands “blizzard hasn’t done enough!” Getting a second tree and all the souls getting saved is more then most races have gotten in years.


Unfortunately true.

yes. make it big.
so big that everyone can see it… burn…

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Uhm, because their entire race was nearly wiped out 2 expansions ago by lazy, horrendous, horde worshipping nonsense. Christie Golden is ON RECORD saying BFA was a hype expansion for the horde, and it lost steam halfway through because everybody hated it. A tree that is uncorruptable and safe would be ideal, why cant everybody just go kick rocks and focus on other things, let us have the tree for cripes sake

I am invested in it right now because it impacts the story as a whole. I have an opinion on it because what happens to the Night Elves isn’t an optional, compartmentalized quest chain. For example, the Tyrande quest chain in Val’sharah culminated in Ysera’s death, we are still experiencing the fallout from that in this expansion. The Night Warrior quests in BfA and the Darkshore campaign impacted the narrative in Shadowlands. The entire next patch focuses on Fyrakk trying to destroy Amirdrassil. When something happens to one race, everyone in the game is stuck with that narrative for better or worse. And lately, everyone is stuck with some seriously unimaginative writing for the Night Elves. The Night Elves are getting done dirty by lame plot devices, and the story is suffering for it.

This game doesn’t need safety. Safety is the opposite of Warcraft. Safety is static and stories need to be dynamic or they become stale and uninteresting.

I find it kind of ironic that he is complaining about you not playing a nelf/posting on a nelf when he also is not posting on a nelf.

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Here we go again with the cry baby Night Elves.

  • First of all, they cut down their tree into a stump to find a place to put their city.
  • Next, they failed to defend their stump with an army that would keep attackers beyond artillery range.
  • Also, who loses an artillery duel when they have the high ground?
  • And finally they had insufficient fire fighting equipment.

Cry me a river of tears, they were their own worst enemy.

I mean…

  1. Teldrassil was probably grown that way not cut down. Remember it didn’t exist prior to wow and was literally grown in the years between Frozen Throne and WoW.
  2. To be fair, Sylvannas sent a small force towards Feralas which caused the Night Elves to send the bulk of their army south, which left Darkshore vulnerable to Sylvannas’s main attack.
  3. What Artillery duel? The Night Elves didn’t have any artillery on Teldrassil. Frankly it’s absurd how much range and power the horde catapults had.
  4. I mean, it’s also absurd how much fire just a handful of catapults managed to cause in just a few minutes.
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I mean, from an in-game model perspective – It wasn’t even that – It was essentially a supermassive stump, with an ecosystem & city on it.

Best way I could see it is:

If they made Amirdrassil an out of reach skybox (Like the burnt current Teldrassil is) to show how massive & colossal it is - with various animation energies flowing through it etc, and have a teleport pad that takes us to the city & huge ecosystem forests on the upper boughs of the world tree — Like an instanced zone, of sorts.

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I, too, am sick of world trees. Nordrassil was special and unique, it was the only world tree in lore for a significant amount of time, the first ever world tree (except it wasn’t, more on that in a bit) grown from an acorn taken from the Mother Tree in Avianas realm of the Emerald Dream itself, and existed in order to effectively be a bottlecap over the Well of Eternity, limit the amount of radiant magic, and hopefully prevent the Legion from coming back for it. The Night Elves only got immortality from it because the Dragon Aspects, in particular Ysera, blessed Nordrassil and linked the Nelves to it as its guardians, to keep an ever constant vigil over it and keep the Legion or any Legion collaborators away from it.

Then after it was nearly destroyed following WC3, the Nelves lost their immortality, and Fandral thought screw that, I’ll plant my own World Tree! Then we had Teldrassil, that went unblessed by the aspects and wreaked of corruption. Ok, fair story point. Has potential. A 2nd world tree that is corrupted had a lot of potential in storytelling. Oh, but it eventually got cleansed (and later, cleansed again by purifying fire), guess thats it then.

Then we learn of the dead World Tree in Grizzly Hills, which also happened to be trying to regrow. Ok, but what was the lore reason of this world tree? Oh, apparently it was also grown by Fandral Staghelm using a large branch of Nordrassil, but had to be cut down because of Yogg-Saron hijynx. Ok then. Oh, and those big trees with the emerald dream portals where the Nightmare Dragon world bosses spawned? Also grown by Fandral Staghelm using bits of Nordrassil. Ok, someone needs to cut off Fandrals green thumb - nevermind, it turned red and we killed him. Well at least that should be the last of the world trees, right? Right?

Wait, the Broken Isles also has a World Tree? And this one has existed in lore since before the sundering… but Nordrassil, the “first” world tree was grown after the sundering… so I guess Shalasdrassil is now the first world tree? And what is this about Emerald Dream having an unnamed World Tree in the center of its version of Ungoro?

And now we are growing a new World Tree made of Night Elf souls and blessed by the Winter Queen - who happens to be a part of the domain of Death, might I remind you, the polar opposite of the domain of Life that the Emerald Dream belongs to.

Who signed off on this, exactly? What purpose is there in this tree? Nordrassil (and I guess Shalasdrassil) were the only world trees in existence for like 10000 odd years. Suddenly in the last 30 odd ingame years, 2 more World Trees and 5 Great Trees, which are basically mini-world trees, have grown, and another World Tree is about to be grown.

There is only one appropriate response to this:


after the 3rd war and the loss of the night elves power from the blessings of the apsects they weakened their druidic power was greatly diminished so fandral staghelm tried to convince malfurion to create a new world tree so they can gain that power back he refuse and was ambushed and locked in the emerald dream him and other druids like him ploted and grew a new world tree when he went to get the aspects blessings they refused. another thing about this tree it was grown with a acorn from the mother tree and nordrassil as well as a branch from the tree xavius was turnt into by malfurion as a prison. and the tree grew no blessing as such by the time he was found out the tree was given blessing but the corruption was permanent it would always come back as the corruption was there since its creation. now with that history lesson out of the way sylvanas actually did the night elves a favor that tree they were on was a curse if anything the night elves there was more prone to corruption they were weaker there. besides a new world tree 100% free of corruption from day one is better. so its better to have amirdrassil more like nordrassil as it was only a short time they lived on that tree putting themselves at risk in varrious ways. living as they once pre teldrassil and live around a world tree like they did nordrassil is better. also teldrassil was just the capital of the night elves they had outposts all over kalimdor and cities. they should be lucky it was the fire that killed them and nor a void corruption from the emerald nightmare that would have been far worse for them and everyone around them.