Please link servers together for pvp/dungeons

there are so many players playing wow classic yet feels empty because there is no link to other realms. arena should be instant pop, bgs should be no longer than a minute wait, dungeons should be able to chuck us in.

Please join the queues for all servers so there is no more wait time, sick of waiting till people get on at 5pm to play

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BGs and arenas are cross-server in all classic games.
Wintergrasp is also cross-server.
Dungeons are not.

I dont think you understand what i meant, cross realm are not with all or majority of realms. oceanic is terrible for cross realmsā€¦ why else would i post this here?

put the 10ms ping guy against to 200ms ping guy in a pvp setting that seems fair.

those who played not in America did this for majority of the wow lifetimeā€¦

Between being at a disadvantage due to higher ping and not having enough players to even play, I think most people would choose the higher ping.


did not pvp on the old 800-1000ms i used to play on because of this reason.

This was implemented in the past and reverted because of latency complaints.

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