Please let us fight in Visage form or let us transmog more stuff onto our Dracthyr Evoker!

Not true the human form for Worgen is just a shell of what the Worgen once was. The Worgen curse changes a Worgen both in body and spirit. When you die as a Worgen you don’t become your human form nor are you a human as a ghost. While I do understand that some Worgen would like to fight in human form one suggested compromise has been that once a Worgen hits a certain dmg threshold they would become thier Worgen form till the end of combat but to be perfectly honest I don’t think Blizzard would add that as something as simple as an optional tail seems impossible for them to do.


I use my visage 85% of the time. Use chosen identity as well. Honestly, I hardly even notice my dragon form anymore. Yeah, in combat I’m in a dragon form doing dragon magic so it doesn’t bother me.

So I’m in dragon form only in combat or when I am soaring. Rest of the time in in visage, but I do agree dragon form needs better transmogs.

Also the combat stance for visage mode needs to stop being them putting their fist up like they’re going to be in a fist fight.

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Enabling Evoker on other races and just using the animations that you see when using toy items like Coin of Many Faces would probably work fine enough until they actually make custom animations where needed.
Goofy animations and malleable lore be damned; I wanna play an Earthen Augmentation Evoker.

So I guess people want dragon aspects powers with races that aren’t dragons and saying boo to all the dracthyr and evoker lore. Awesome.


I guess I don’t RP hard enough but it’s never bothered me. I’m usually too busy watching for ground effects or checking health bars and spell CDs to worry too hard about how I look.

For what it’s worth, I don’t support non evokers fighting in visage form or worgen fighting in human form - negates the point of rolling the race. If the class is fun enough, unless you’re really into RP, I’ve never understood why “let me look like another race” is such a popular request.

The sooner we get “all races, all classes”, the better. Then everyone can just be elves and humans which is apparently what all players want.

Humans and elves only. No dragon (or werewolf).

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Short sighted response to devaluing world building, lore, story telling.

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Because letting dracthyr fight in visage form doesn’t affect lore any, yeah let’s just do that. But then worgen will get mad and want that too. And then it’ll be “well if they can fight in other forms, then those other races should get the classes, the animation is there!”

We’ve both been on GD long enough to know it’ll happen since this question already rains on lore. Standing by freeing everything up so everyone can have whatever they want.

If you want to be a dracthyr, you should have to be a dracthyr.

I don’t find that a complicated or controversial statement.

If you want to be a dragon based class, you need to be a dragon based race.

Also don’t see this as complicated or controversial.


Also doing dragon magic should put you into your dragon form. Almost all dragons in the lore, when they actually fight for real, go dragon form.

Hence dracthyr needing their dragon form to do their more powerful dragon aspects magic.

Shouldn’t be an issue. Chosen identity turns you back to visage mode.


Many of the people making these threads don’t want to be a dracthyr, they want to be an evoker who doesn’t look ridiculous. Many would prefer to be an evoker of an entirely different race, but visage in combat just feels like a more feasible request that to some degree fixes the issue.

A couple things here;

Many RPGs have dragon themed classes or spells without needing to be a dragon based race. My Orc in the Elder Scrolls is a Dragonknight who breathes fire and leaps through the air with fiery wings, slamming down with lava. My D&D group has a draconic ancestry sorcerer who is a human but does dragon magic. Also wow mages, monks, and DKs do dragons breath spells.

You are choosing for it to be a big deal because of lore reasons, when it would be simple for the DF dragon aspects to grant some of their dragon magic to mortals who saved their island, just like Dracthyr are going out and learning new magic in world.

There’s no reason for it to be a big deal and give people more enjoyable character options.

Elder scrolls has their own lore.

DnD has their own lore.

Warcraft has their own lore into why evokers are only dracthyr and it literally is because they were bred to use all the dragon aspects powers. Matter of fact, they’re the only experiment that succeeded in uniting all the powers into one dragonkin and dragon blood is needed.

So yeah, there is a lore reason why evokers are only dracthyr

And the mage and monk aren’t using dragon aspects powers. That is why their breathing can be done. One is pure arcane and not aspect power from the flights and the other is alcohol fire breathing.


The lore was made up on a whim a few years ago and the lore can be expanded on in very simple ways that I just pointed out.

The lore was not just made up, it literally was also part of vanilla with the failed experiments of Neferian and his chromatic dragons. Then again later with the twilight dragons somewhat.

All tried to copy Neltharions experiment of the dracthyr.


None of that general history is specific enough to matter or change the simple suggestion I made.

Many people also value gameplay enjoyment over lore fluff anyway. I’m not for completely ignoring lore, but advancing minor lore to improve gameplay is no problem IMO.

No it like being a human warrior and some toy changed you to elf warrior and you start complaining about why can’t you be a elf warrior all the time .


Yeah, it does because normal mortals can’t wield aspect powers. It literally is the whole lore behind it.

You just can’t be granted the powers. You need to be born with them. Dragon blood is needed. That is the lore.

Now I have no qualms of them expanding visage into other races but they still have to be dracthyr

Evokers aren’t power rangers. They just aren’t given power coins and become evokers.

And some players actually enjoy the lore and want the lore to be consistent.


I second that.


Worgen and Dracthyr I see how, but why Void Elves? Serious question for someone whose main healer is a Void Elf. But, honestly, I do agree that the developers do not hide what a race pretells during character creation.

When I first made my Dracthyr, I had forgotten about the Visage form and figured “Eh, scaley dragon/kobold it is,” since I had just come back to WoW after a very long hiatus from the game and was surprisingly engrossed with the Forgotten Reach opening prologue that sets up Dragonflights storyline, so when it became available in SW I was like “oh, right. Neat.”

That being said I still prefer being in Visage form when not in combat simply because of the transmog, plus the out-of-combat regen is frankly ridiculous. :3 It makes going from mob to mob easier to handle when you’re healing for nearly 120K every few seconds.

Unless Blizzard says that you can be granted the powers through the combined power of friendship and family of the restored aspects. Which they could do and it would be fine, because all the lore is made up by Blizzard.

I honestly don’t understand the high elf thing. Void elves are just high elves with a little bit of spice added.