Please let us dragonride outisde of the dragon isles

Because of money? Really? They made flight baby baddies like yourself use only ground mounts for the last 4 expansions for a year+ at a time and you still paid a sub until “air swimming” was unlockable by a dumb grind and even if you unsubbed, you still came back when “air swimming” was available again. Blizz literally didn’t give you what you what you wanted but you gave them your money regardless and they still got your money in the end because you’re that easy to fool.

Dragon riding is enjoyed by the masses who don’t even know this forum exists and you and every other dumb flight baby is just a part of some pathetic loud minority on a website/forum blizz takes no input from because you’re just that insignificant.

I’m not entitled though since I’m not the one whining for things that aren’t in the game; on the contrary, I’m actually happy and winning right now since blizzard has made the game in a way that is healthy and better for the majority. Something tells me you love to use the word “entitled” but you actually have no clue of what it means. You try to sound so sophisticated but it falls flat before anyone like myself who has even a modicum of reading comprehension. Go back to grade school, kid.

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Haven’t seen anyone complain in game. Only on the forums.

As someone who used to support “air swim” flight. I am loving dragonflying.


Agreed! It has actual mechanics and is fun and is fun and engaging! The best feature added to the game in a long time!

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I just did the ohn’ara offensive for the first time, and honestly dragonflight inside a dungeon is the absolute bomb. It’s genuinely exhilarating, and I can’t wait to pair it with m+ timers.

I’m loving dragon riding, it’s the most fun I have had in wow in years.


Then let us fly in the dragon isles.


Yeah, or just flap, so you can sit for a period of time if needed. Let it drain vigor over so many minutes or w/e per vigor but that is my only feedback.

Dragonriding needs hover. I see this as the main gripe. Alot of people tend to hover while they say, goto the bathroom or tackle whatever life circumstance happens while they game. Its the closest thing to pause we will ever get in an mmo. If they add this, and maybe buff duration (might need to wait till after df is over for that though). So far, id say if they make dragon riding everywhere, DF will be the goto xpac for new toons when the next xpac launches.