Please let us delete Legion Artifact Weapons

Finally now we can delete all the Legion Legendaries, but still the Artifact Weapons are stubbornly stuck in our banks. Can’t put them in Void Storage, can’t delete them… just stuck. Most of us who played Legion have 3 of these and Druids have 4, pretty annoying to have to keep in the bank at this point in the game.


It’s just 2-4 slots. Not a super big deal.

How would you get them back if you decided you wanted to unlock one of the skins? Guess they could put a vendor in the orderhalls that chastises you for “losing” your artifacts.

Yeah, that’d work.


no. i want to keep my alleria’s bow.


Why would you even try to do that??? I’m going to hold on to mine forever!

But yeah if players want to delete them then I think Blizzard should let them.


If you would see my bank you would understand. At the very least we should be able to use void storage, other than maybe timewalking they have no use.


“Oh, you lost Ashbringer? Yeah, I think I’ve got a spare around here somewhere.” :rofl:


My main is an inscriptionist. Trust me, I know that bank space comes at a premium.

I literally had a bank full of herbs, pigments, and inks. Reagent bank was full and it spilled over into my inventory.

Inscription is an evil profession. Don’t do it.


i thought they nerfed inscription into the ground when they backpedaled on glyphs back in wod and legion.

The problem with deleting artifacts is that if there’s any appearance you haven’t collected become unobtainable because the Artifact is tied to acquiring them.


I made a looooooooooooooooooot of scrolls of varying types, trinkets, and vantus runes.

The frost DK artifact is an abomination that must be purged (or restored into a 2h weapon).

I still get upset that they didn’t allow us to reforge Frostmourne into a 2h like it should be when I see it in my inventory or bank.

Either allow us to reforge the frost DK artifact into a 2h now that 2h frost is restored or allow us to delete that abomination of an artifact.


Yes. Because you need them in order to get all of the appearances and colorations unlocked. They don’t need to be equipped, but they need to exist.

He’s saying you should have the option, you can keep it should you want to.

Is bread really that funny ?

I want to keep mine. The dumb thing though is that they will not go into Void Storage - the place to put those special items you can never (or will likely never) get again.

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Rather put mine in void storage


Void Storage rules are ridiculously dumb.

Honestly, Void Storage should be turned into a server wide bank for both factions to put mats, BoEs, etc in. And use personal banks for the unique things.

If they went that route, they’d probably make it much smaller than it would be if you summed up all of the individual Void Storages on all of the characters one can now have on a server. Accountwide storage probably wouldn’t work with items that are Soulbound to a single character, either, and that’s what most people put in their Void Storage now.

Inscriptionist isn’t a real word!!! Scribe is the wors you’re looking for XD

I just want to throw them in the void storage.