Please let me choose covenant

I want this too. But I am pretty sure that “No balance Blizzard” will make one so good that you have to have it to do any sort of raiding/progression.

How much do you wanna bet it will be Vampires?

It absolutely matters, not everyone is competing to complete mythic nzoth.

Some of us are competing to beat our friends, be the top of heroic, top of mythic 15 ect.

People in general like performing well. Lol.


Use the covenant you want based on whatever reasons you have and have fun!
No one is pressuring you to do something you don’t want.


Which means they shouldn’t couple them with aesthetic choices.


Yes, I would, that would be boring. I want a choice of ability, not a choice of how that ability LOOKS.

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There’s a meta for which spec I should be playing in dungeons/pvp, nevertheless i’ve stuck with sub all expansion. Stop being a follower

You can just…do that?

There are already metas that ignore entire entire classes and you’re worried about 2 abilities?

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Yes it’s just like essences, you don’t pick the time one ever, literally ever. It’s the exact same thing. Why would I want to do worse than I can.

The fact of the matter is its important to a lot of people to perform at the best of their possible ability

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Do you reroll your class 5 times an xpac to be fotm? Why would u want to do worse than you can

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Yes if they are a bottom barrel spec like sub where I won’t be useful. I haven’t had to but I would if need be.

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Well, kind of:

You’d think I’d feel like I should pick Necro Lord, but looking at what they can do I think of Night Fae as the only choice for me and my mainly soloing playstyle.

I don’t think it should be that way, even at a casual glance.

If even I think that, just think what Raiders/People who do mythics would say?

“What? You can’t have that covenant, Bob, you need this one instead to raid with us…”

So you’re a slave to dps meters. Id rather the game not be catered to people like you. The game will never be perfectly balanced, get over it.

I don’t want to ruin this for you, but stepping into a raid at all as WW is a disservice to your team.

Human is also pretty weak compared to other races.

Edit - MW is just as bad in raids. Holy paladin and disc or bust. The gap is massive.

You have an S tier spec in BRM and you’re not playing it.

Lol you have no raids, 2 m+, and no pvp. It might not matter to a world quest warrior but it matters for people who enjoy competing with their friends and guild and pushing content that we can. No im not a top tier player but it matters.

I don’t raid ww I raid mw. But ww has really strong aoe and decent st it got a sizable buff. It’s not a fire mage but it’s not a carry.

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Are you doing world first raiding or professional pvp? Then it doesn’t matter and any class/spec can clear any content you want to do

It’s not simply about clearing content. I don’t know why this is hard for you to understand bud. It’s how me and my friends play the game and enjoy it. You can do the same.

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Nothing is stopping you from playing the game and enjoying it except your own anxiety about losing 2% dps.

Unless they strip the entire system out you’re still going to have power tied to the covenant through soulbinds.

So basically people are just asking them to ditch the whole core system of SL.

I’d like them to keep Covenants and Covenant abilities - but make them mechanically identical. Covenants should be a cosmetic and story choice.

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This. I’m going based off aesthetics + the ability that looks most fun to me.