That’d be the whole point - trying to give the benefit of doubt can and will be abused by the players at large. Which would lead into folks wanting the rare mounts/pets/gear when something ‘breaks’, like someone pulling the internet cable on their system to say they DC’d to get some loot.
This would be why Blizzard and many other places don’t do ‘trust them because the good word of mouth’. All of it would have in the end is folks try to use whatever they can to get that. Unless they’re not going to help a good chunk of players because of this with this midnset.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but this thread is about empowering GM’s to be able to help with things like that.
Refunding game time for maintenance is totally different from compensating for bugs or lost rewards. Maintenance is planned and keeps the game running; bugs and crashes disrupt the experience unexpectedly. Fixing those issues isn’t “extra”—it’s Blizzard owning their mistakes.
You’re wrong. This thread is someone’s mis-guided wishlist, that will result in no changes and go absolutely no where but in circles, because it is posted in the wrong forum.
I’ve been low-key facepalming because this thread hasn’t had the decency to just die like it should. Or be closed off by moderators.
This entire overextended argument has been pointless. No one’s mind has been changed, and most importantly, no one who has any say in these matters has even seen it or ever will.
The funny thing is that there’s already a current and active GD thread on this exact topic which would welcome reasoned and well-thought-out feedback.
The sheer amount of time we have spent debating this here in this thread - hours. They go by their logs for a very good reason. Either the logs show the person getting the loot, or they don’t. If they don’t, the person does not get the loot. It does not matter WHY the logs are not there. Yes, it sucks. Yes, hopefully the bug that caused the error can be fixed and not happen again.
They can’t, and they won’t, just starting making personal decisions on whims. Arbitrary policy is not policy at all. It is an invite for chaos and complaints.
Imagine trying to explain to one sibling why you made an exception for them but not for the other one in what they think are the same cases.
That time is time GMs don’t get back. There are tickets waiting that they CAN help with, that have logs, that are billing issues, that are account compromises.
Structure and rules prevent chaos and drama. Data wins in this case. It always has. They have never just given loot to people where the logs don’t back it.
“Maybe a GM will be nice and help so just ticket until you get the right one” - is not a good message for any CS org to send.