Please keep addons disabled for Wrath launch

Addons are a crutch that ruins the spirit of classic. I’ve been having an amazing time in beta fully immersing myself in the quest lore. I thought it was dumb at first, but I’ve really grown to love it. No addons forces us to explore the world and fall in love with the lore as the devs intended. Please keep them disabled for launch!


How about you disable your own addons and don’t worry about the rest of us?

Default UI is ugly. Need Elv.


I quite like the default UI + titanpanel but I dont care if other people change theirs.

Personally addons are a part of WoW if you got rid of them it wouldnt be the same game, I dont use many (3 atm for classic and maybe 5 for retail)


They are more than capable of ruining the game themselves without your bad ideas.


Another day another bad take from this dude.


False flagging, willing to bet you were always one of those “BAN ADDONS” players.
Acting like you were suddenly surprised that you apparently enjoyed the game more without addons is just you being disingenuous you try paint a certain narrative.

The “spirit of classic” has always been letting the players use their own tools and creativity to modify the game and customise it to suit the needs of the individual player.

If the devs didn’t want people using addons, they wouldn’t have built the game from the ground up to support add-ons, the design intention was always to allow people to mod the game, you’re nothing more than a typical crab in a bucket player that thinks hamstringing other players and pulling them down to your level of gameplay will make your own game time more enjoyable, which is a pathetic way to approach this game, and life.

You’re just to lazy/incompetent to be bothered to download add-ons, so you want to remove that option from other people so you feel more comfortable, please never speak about how you think you know exactly what the devs intended, you don’t, at any point in this games history devs could have removed add-on support, but they didn’t, BECAUSE THE GAME WAS ALWAYS INTENDED TO BE CUSTOMISABLE WITH ADD-ONS, you clearly just want to push your own narrative.

If you don’t like playing with add-ons, don’t use them, it’s that simple.

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Disagree if you want, but getting mad and calling people stupid is a report from me


Can call OP a troll all you want, the fact that beta streamers are struggling to play classes without weakauras is hilarious and should be reason enough to restrict how powerful some addons are

And many classes basically requiring it in TBC to “parse” because of auto-shot clipping, weapon swing timers, seal twisting etc


For real, getting this angry over someone opinion isn’t kosher. It’s one thing to make a rebuttal to someone’s opinion, but as soon as you start attacking their personal character over their opinion, that is where you are the person in the wrong.


Am I wrong tho?
I bet I hit the nail right on the head.
You want add-ons removed because of your own insecurities and because you personally refuse to download them.
The reason why you don’t use them?
You’re to lazy/incompetent to spend 5 minutes setting up bartender, you probably don’t even know how to unzip an addon into the correct folder, and you have no intention of using that small brain of yours to figure it out either.
Easier to cry on the forums and pray blizzard bans addons instead of just using them like everyone else, including the devs, intended.

If you’re this upset over a differing opinion about a video game, perhaps it’s time to power the off the computer for the day. There’s a world outside of Azeroth too, you know.


I don’t care, he is just trying to push a narrative, he could of said how much he enjoys playing the game without addons, but instead he has to push the narrative that “addons should be banned” as well.
He couldn’t care less about the enjoyment of other players or what they want, he cares about getting what he wants.
“Ban addon” players are all the same, they are just to lazy and incompetent to use them so they think no one else should be allowed to use them, because he feels other people using add-ons puts him at a disadvantage, I find this behaviour pathetic.

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Says the guy so obsessed with the game he comes to a forum and makes up fake stories in a pathetic attempt to ban add-ons.

I’m going for a nice Sunday morning walk to the park. I’ll read your replies later. If you haven’t been on a walk lately, I highly recommend it. It’s very good for anger management and stress control.


If you actually read his post, it only says at launch.
Sorry he just wants to have an authentic experience without letting addons and weak auras play the game for him.
Check your attitude before you come back.


He obviously intended for it to remain disabled for the entire thing, not just launch.
And you’re just outing yourself as another incompetent anti-addon player.

Don’t like add-ons?
Don’t use them.
It’s just that simple.
What other people do and how they play the game should be none of your concern.

I don’t appreciate people who who use backhanded insults and insinuate things with an air of superiority, bet you think you’re very clever for your thinly veiled insult and fake politeness, bet you need that anger walk.

I walk out of enjoyment, but there are other benefits as well which you might appreciate. I encourage everybody to live a healthy lifestyle which includes not becoming overtly angry over a difference of opinion about a video game. Addons undercut the hard work the Devs put into the game and we should respect that by having them disabled


Addons were created to allow players the freedom to customise the game how they want and to free up development time so devs can focus on the bigger picture instead of spending months/years wasting development time on things like UI.
Shows how little you know.
Again, you aren’t a dev, you have no idea what the spirit of the game is or what they intended.
If you used that small brain of yours, you would realise, the devs always intended for add-ons to be part of the game, that’s why they allow them, if anything, by not using add-ons, it is you who is not partaking in the spirit of the game.

Again, since you seem to be thick in the head, add-ons have been in the game since beta in 2003, the devs always intended for add-ons to be a part of the game, at any point in the last 20 years they could easily turn off add-on support, but they didn’t.
The devs support add-ons and giving players the freedom to customise the game the way they see fit, any add-ons that they felt was against the spirit of the game were broken and made un-usable such as the early versions of healbot.

Don’t claim to think you know what you’re talking about when you clearly understand nothing, again, you just have a certain narrative that you want pushed on everyone else, pathetic child-like behaviour, you remind me of a child crying because someone else has a toy that you don’t, in this case someone has a toy you could use, but you don’t like the toy or can’t figure it out, so you think no one should be allowed to use it, pathetic mindset to have, if you enjoy playing without add-ons so much, don’t use them, it’s not that hard, I just find people like you that try to force their own narrative onto everyone else to be pathetic.

I know exactly why you don’t want add-ons, you personally find it unfair and feel like you’re at a disadvantage to people who do use add-ons, and the only reason you don’t use add-ons, is because you can’t be bothered taking 5 minutes to set them up, again, this is very pathetic behaviour from an adult.

I didn’t read this. Do you have a tldr?