People keep being toxic lvl 11’s who run the dung and out of nowhere they kick you. Sure does ruin my time management when I get kicked for doing nothing wrong and have to wait 30 mins. Sounds fun right?
Gross a gnome, i dont blame them for kicking you.
Considering that the Dungeon Deserter debuff exists in the first place to make sure that folks can’t hold you hostage in dungeons, as per how folks were abusing it when there was no debuff upon getting kicked…
No, it wasn’t fun to be held hostage. Which is why the debuff is here to stay.
Sorry you got kicked, but the penalty needs to stay for very good reason.
Completely agree. This whole deserter debuff is wrong on so many levels. It reveals the mentality of those who developed it. Trying to FORCE people to stay in groups when it should be everyones right to drop group for any reason at any time and even if someone does drop group the inconvienience it may be on some people is miniscule. Youll find another player within 2 mins most of the time in qued content. What this debuff does is unjustly punish innocent players for things they cant control such as internet or power outage or in cases like yours, simply being kicked by trolls or others who would rather boot people than help them learn to get better. The so called benefits this debuff is supposed to provide pale in comparison to the wrong it causes. Everyone knows that it is just plain WRONG to punish the innocent to get the guilty. Thats a very common rule of decency. Also the inconvienience a player who gets this debuff experiences is FAR worse than any inconvienience a group might experience having to wait 2 mins for another player to join. This whole debuff idea had to come from the mind of some very twisted and unfair thinking people.
How is one person kicking you from a 5-man group?
You must be a new player.
No one is forced to stay in a group; you can leave at any time, but there are consequences for those actions.
The penalty is there for a very good reason, and while it does punish folks occasionally for actions outside of their control, the few times it does this are worth it for the actions it stops.
NO ITS NOT…there is literally NO reason for it. If someone drops group in qued content you may have to wait 2 minutes for another player to pop in. I dont know what this debuff is trying to stop. And punishing people for excercising their right to play or not to play the game by leaving a group is SO stupid and wrong. And I have been playing since 2012 thank you. By no means am I a noob. And please read my comment and understand it before posting an answer to it. I said TYRING to FORCE players to stay in groups by punishing them if they decide to leave. The punishment IS the FORCE. Allowing the innocent to be punished because of the guilty is unjust. Think of another way.
Yes, there is. And if you played during Wrath of the Lich King, you’d know why.
Here’s a history lesson for you.
When Blizzard first added the dungeon finder, you would only get the deserter debuff for 15 minutes if you left a group before the first boss was killed. It was implemented this way to prevent tanks and healers from ‘instance shopping.’ Instance shopping in this context was using the ‘random dungeon’ option for the reward and then leaving groups when they got a dungeon they didn’t feel like doing.
Initially, this was fine. But after patch 3.3.3, when the debuff was increased to 30 minutes, tanks and healers quickly learned that if you got kicked from dungeons, you wouldn’t get the deserter debuff. So they started holding groups hostage. They’d refuse to do the dungeon, sitting at the entrance or hearthing back to town until the group kicked them so they wouldn’t get the debuff. The problem? The kick feature has an internal cooldown to prevent abuse. The more people you kick, the longer the interval between kicks. So there were many times that players could not kick the tank/healer holding the group hostage, and so the group fell apart.
For DPS players who spent 15-20 minutes in the queue for a dungeon, this was just unacceptable. So Blizzard changed it so that if you got kicked, you got the debuff. Tanks and healers started doing dungeons even if they hated them because there was no longer any incentive for them to hold groups hostage.
If Blizzard removed the penalty for getting kicked? You’d quickly find tanks/healers starting to hold groups hostage again. Especially if they got a dungeon they didn’t want to do. You don’t want a return to that. And the only thing stopping that is the penalty applying when you’re kicked.
And now, by the way, the deserter debuff applies regardless of when you leave a dungeon (up until this expansion, it only applied if you left before the first boss). Why? Because players kept abusing this by killing the first boss of a dungeon, not getting the loot they wanted, and then leaving the group. New players would join the group, see the first boss was dead, and leave because they also wanted loot from the first boss. So once again, because players are acting like absolute douches to the detriment of the rest of their group, Blizzard had to change things to make it fair.
And yet this is something the Mythic + community completely refuses to acknowledge when discussing leaving content you signed up for.
I hate to break it to you, but without actual proof of them, “trolling you” you aren’t gonna find many allies outside of other people with no proof and think they’re being trolled.
So you leave the dungeon and reque. You dont punish everyone because of the actions of a few.
But its NOT fair. Ive gotten that debuff many times for reasons outside of my control. This is a BAD fix for the actions you described. Better to let those actions happen than punish innocent players because of the guilty ones. You can deal with those players individually as other players report them. Thats what the reporting system is supposed to be for.
None of what you just described justifies a deserter debuff. You dont get a deseter debuff in M+ nor do you in Normal/Heroic and Mythic raids. ONLY qued content. And AGAIN…people are paying to play the game and should have the right to play whatever they want in it whenever they want to do it. If they want to just do a first boss and leave they should be able to do that. Why should they be forced to finish the entire place if all they want is on the first boss?
So, the DPS players should cop a 30-minute debuff for leaving a group early, just because a douchebag tank/healer wants to hold the group hostage? That’s your answer?
As a DPS player? Nah, I’m not copping a 30-minute debuff because Douchebag Dan doesn’t want to do the dungeon the random group finder put him in. Because not only do I wait 30 minutes for the debuff to drop, I then have to wait even longer in the queue for another dungeon.
Why would a twink kick you? They’re used to doing 90+% of the damage and would not care what you were doing. I’m guessing you were saying something in chat that the entire group did not like and kicked you for that reason.
No it doesn’t, at least not the way it is now. There is zero reason to have the debuff as long as it is. My opinion: make the first one in a 24 hour period 10m, the second 20m and the third 30m, and so on. If anyone is being a repeat offender they will get punished, and if its just some poor dude getting kicked for no, or innocent, reasons, the most they will suffer is to wait 10m and queue again.
10m will allow the group they were kicked from to find someone else so they won’t end up with the same people.
All that aside, the OP’s case causes me to have some slight doubt. I’ve never seen or heard of anyone I know being kicked by a level 11 speedrunning a dungeon. On the other hand, I wouldnt be surprised if some players complain about it in chat; me, I dont care as long as its causing no issues for the group but some dont like trailing along after some level 11 tank smashing everything before they can get a hit in (which is what happened to me earlier today).
By fabricating the whole story and then posting about a thing that didn’t happen. Also can’t initiate a kick for … 2 minutes? 3?
OP left out crucial details, either pouting at the entrance or popping off in party chat at the speedrunner and then having it backfire. Maybe the 11 was one of those scumbags threatening to kick if you don’t pay them, but report and move on satisfied they’re liable to get banned.
I suspect if it had been someone wanting gold, the OP would have mentioned it. I sure as hell would.
Because that’s what the community told blizzard they wanted pre-season 1 of TWW.
just kick them first?
The level 11 is doing the kicking? They don’t need to when they can beat the dungeon in 4 minutes.