Please just Make GDKP's bannable

Money laundering is the process of converting illicitly gained (gold in this case) into a legitimate source.

GDKPs are not against the TOS (yet), but gold buying is.

Step 1: GDKP leaders take actions ranging from out-of-game/Discord referrals to RMT sites (most egregious) to “pretending they don’t know”/turning a blind eye to illicit gold buying.

Step 2: A subsection of the GDKP attendees buy illicit gold off an RMT site. (Which is a subject for another post.)

Step 3: GDKP leaders accept the illicit gold during raids.

Step 4: The gold transferred in the GDKP raid becomes legitimate, because the GDKP raid style is allowed (so far).

That’s how it works.

Now go ahead and post something to steer the conversation away form the fact that GDKPs are laundering gold.


Except a GM can track all gold, you literally can’t launder gold in wow.

A GM can track the point at which you received bought gold from whoever it is people buy gold from.

So in your process step 1 is already dead.

It is also not the players responsibility to police the game, for all we know you’re a gold buyer but it isn’t my job or my responsibility to find out.

You’re all pretending this is real life laundering where the bills can’t be traced like wow gold can be.

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That’s… not how it works.

Rather, anyone that gets flagged for gold buying/selling is simply flagged and then when the ban wave goes out, they get nuked. That’s that.

This is true whether the gold acquired goes out on the AH buying expensive materials, is traded to people for profession services, dumped on mounts and other big purchases, or thrown into a GDKP pot, etc. That some of the gold doesn’t get nuked with the offending accounts doesn’t suddenly make all of these things illicit activity or “laundering”, especially considering the gold comes from looting actual chests, killing mobs, etc, not duplication hacks or the like.

If GDKP is “laundering”, then so is literally every other form of gold use in this game. When you sell a rare BoE Epic on the AH and someone buys it for 2,500g, you have no way of knowing how many coppers of that 2,500g came from real players or bots. RMT are a reality not because of GDKPs, but because gold has use in-game period. You only remove RMT for gold when you remove the usefulness of gold.

So chill, stop being angry about GDKPs, and play the game.

Oh look, it’s the same guy posting on two different toons again to protect his gold laundering business!

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Cope kid.

Supposedly they are common on the streamer server (big surprise). I’m on Chaos Bolt and haven’t noticed any GDKP advertisements.

It is absolutely true that illegitimate gold becomes legitimate (which is what laundering means) via GDKP raids.

I agree that if someone sells a peacebloom for 10,000g, yes that may be traced and both accounts banned; however, GDKP is little more than a thinly veiled loophole for laundering gold that has up-until-now gone unpunished. Many of us in this thread want that loophole closed.

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GDKPs aren’t a loophole.

You don’t undo GDKPs without personal loot. Pick your poison.

That gold is either flagged or not flagged.

Blizzard won’t remove the gold regardless unless the person gets caught before they do anything with it.

Unless what they do is use it on themselves, for instance they buy epic flying or level their profs.

I know people who got it all removed, but it’s hardly the case when gold trades hands which is true in any and all scenarios this happens not just gdkps.

Gdkps arent going anywhere and do nothing to this economy no matter how many times people screech it affects anything outside of gdkps.

GDKPs should be 100% bannable because you’re circumventing game mechanics

Bind on Pickup items are meant to be earned, NOT purchased. GDKPs are all about exchanging gold for Bind on Pickup items.

They are earned…how do you think they get the items lmfao??

They literally kill the exact same bosses every other raid kills rofl.

Get a clue.

The discord gdkps are superior at raiding then most of your guys guilds lmfao

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You said there wasnt. There definitely was. You said you ran something different then a gdkp. That was also false. What you claimed…is the same as a gdkp. I didnt rephrase anything to do anything. Just corrected your tunnel vision! You’re welcome!

Quit whining. Bots and gdkp are part of classic. Go back to retail.

GDKPs are what fuels constant gold buying. Without GDKPs, some parasite cheaters might buy gold for an epic mount or a prebis weapon. GDKPs make needing a mountain of gold a constant necessity for all involved. More buyers = cheaper prices = even more buyers = even more bots.

OP has the right idea, but more importantly blizzard needs to give permanent bans to gold buyers, not just sellers.

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That was my whole point. You keep quoting me and acting like you are setting me straight but you are just repeating what I said. Just say “I agree” and save us both some time.

As usual the same 4 people in the thread defend the botted gold theyve acquired.

What about players that dont want to participate in gdkp? Too bad for us then huh, soon everything will not be affordable thanks to regular players walking around with 10k “legally acquired​:nerd_face::nerd_face::nerd_face:” gold. Guess were forced into this if we want to raid/afford anything off the AH

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Not specifically a fan of GDKPs but I get why people do them as its the best way to both get gear and farm gold. Unless someone else provides a better method then they will continue to exist and its up to the server to reject them not blizzard.

GDKPs are also better than most of these forum users guild runs.

Bots and gdkp are part of the game*.

Did not age well.