Please just let Drackthyr perma stay in Visage form

Can you just go. You’re kinda going in circles and adding nothing to your previous argument.


Sounds like heavy handed storytelling to me. There is a valid reason people feared and hated dks. Dracthyr are something new, why would guards have a problem with them? And if fitting is actually an issue then the visage form is far from camouflage. Not only that, but to be a Belf male with horns walking around Stormwind not jacked up on Void magic would stick out considerably.

Your entire argument is “dracthyrs should get it because dragons do”. You don’t realize that isnt an argument.

Dracthyrs are not dragons.


Dragons having access to a power does not mean that dracthyrs automatically get that same power to that same degree/power level.

If you want to be taken seriously, you need a better argument. Right now you don’t have one.

Your original post was asking for a citation that Evokers have all the same magical powers as dragons and people have told you that is literally what evokers are, canonically. An Evoker is a dracthyr who has mastered each flight’s magic.

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Because Dragons have been known to terrorize the world as much as help it? Remember uh… I dunno… Deathwing? There was also Onyxia who tried to take over stormwind by murdering Varian. So right there you know why at least the humans dislike them.

So a dracthyr is on par in power with each dragon aspect?

It depends what they specialize in. But more or less they kinda are. They can embody their power near perfectly.

No? Why is that a factor. Aspects aren’t the only dragons with magic or special humanoid forms.

But yet, all the other Dragonflights work with the races of Azeroth. You mentioned members of one flight that is almost extinct, which I’m sure will change in DF. If we are going to go with Deathwing and Onoxia then it should be Wrathion that The Alliance should have an issue with.

Thank you with agreeing with me that there are some powers a dragon aspect or dragon may have, that a dracthyr may just have a lesser version of.

If this was true, they’d be 100 million times stronger than any other player character.

Wrathion is one of the main people trying to get the Drackthyr to join the factions. Wrathion for alliance, Ebonhorn for horde.

And what relevance does that have to the topic of this thread. There are many non-aspects in this game that use their visage forms to fight sometimes. I’m pretty sure we’ve even seen drakes do it.

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Ah yes, a mistake derived from the thallasian egotistical need to feel like they can control every magic type right?

Not a mistake.

There was not a competition.

The only thing lost was a races theme being deleted due to greed and selfishness rather then to see there was different paths to get the same result. It is sad indeed.

Lol, that is ego talk here. And false while at it.

I mean if you like games with dumb ideas, i reconmend you explore steam.

Yeah, okay dude. High Elves were the most requested race for years. I don’t even think you saw the forums when void elves were announced. Horde hated them for using the blood elf model, alliance hated them for not being high elves. They were such a terrible decision that just got everybody angry and nobody happy.

It’s good that blizzard finally listened to the requests and made high elves playable finally. Even if it stripped void elves… who cares? Bruh nobody gave a damn about void elves, haha. Except you and a few others…

But whatever. This has nothing to do with my thread. Go away.

Hey, the thread isn’t about this

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Look based on your name I’m not going argue with you over this all day. That and obviously you are not one of the writers. But based on what you said, with Anduin gone there is no reason for the alliance to listen to Wrathion. Visage form should just be normal existing races if in the game at all.

Short story version.

Their collective forces are split into smaller groups and two of these leave the Island to get aid. One goes to seek the support of the Alliance and one the Horde.


Yeah. Alliance gets the Obsidian Warders (defender group) and the Horde gets the Dark Talons (offense/infiltration). I think? The Healing Wings stayed behind, the Ebon Scales defected, and an unnamed group was destroyed.

Coincidentally the Horde gets the Weyrn with the red leader, and the Alliance gets the Weyrn with the blue leader. Obviously a coincidence.

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I think Anduin’s name still holds weight. At least that is what it seems like they are going with, as Anduin approves of what Wrathion is doing. Look. You’re right, there’s no point in arguing any of this. I’m not the writer for the game, and neither are you. Whatever their decision-making for things are, it’s on them, and we deal with it. You can like it or dislike it all you want, but when they make something happen it’s there now.

Ok dick tracey. Everyone knows that.

What i mean is that there was different ways to get that rather then harm another race to do so, like with half elves or model toggles on lfd (because the army of the light is supposed to be diverse as stated in previous lore prior to the argus patch.)

But yeah, lets put a sub race of a group that refused to use morally bad magic on a race that uses morally quiestionable magic.

If anything, a true high elf fan would be greiving over this.

Lmfao I was one of the posters angry about void elves initial announcement, but when i learned their story and what angle they used for it, I fell in love with them.

I kinda agree with that sentiment, they could have at least altered the model like they did nightborne.

As an alliance player, you do not speak for all of us. Again I liked void elves for what they where.

Actually no. It was a means to let ppl play with a void race while also, again, a play on thallasian magister theme of their ego’s getting the better of them.

Not really if you actually know high elf lore, but you can pretend all you want.

Void elf fans do.

Except your seeking to water down another race/class theme for more high elf role play?

Which should be a solid no because these guys where announced to be the playable dragons.

Your right, it’s about taking another race for high elf role play.