Please just let Drackthyr perma stay in Visage form

Don’t force them to swap when they go into combat. I know there’s a way for them to immediately change back once combat is over, but there should also be a way for them to just stay in visage the whole time. Only a few select abilities should turn them into dragons, or maybe you could just create a new animation for it. Either way, if it does turn them into a dragon, once the ability ends they should just turn back to visage.

I really don’t want to be forced to use the stupid dragon race to play the class, and if you’re going to keep it locked with the Drackthyr you may as well be as accommodating as you can.

I get it may be difficult to work it all out and get it to work right but… just figure it out. You have intelligent people on board I’m sure, somewhere. Just put your heads together and get it working.


Oh wow, why would you want to be stuck as those awkward looking blood elves with horns? LOL WOW


But they are dragons…


You don’t have to have horns. And honestly, the visage forms look fantastic. Best customization options I’ve ever seen on any race. I say let them be free. What is truly awkward is the dumb dragons. Horrible looking race.

So? Dragons are in humanoid form all the time. In heroes of the storm Alexstrasza plays in her humanoid form and dragon form. But still, she does fight as a human in that game so… part of their identity.


No they aren’t dragons, and they aren’t dragonkin either. Those are both in the game.

These are…something NEW from the mind of an artist who likes to draw furry art on the side.

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Alextrasza’s dragon form is huge, how would you add her dragon form in Hots without either hilariously shrinking her or bothering the view?

Lore says they are dragonkin. But isn’t furry supposed to be about… fur? :eyes:


Uh. They added Deathwing in heroes as a full dragon. So… what? He is way bigger than her.

That’s a dragon, Dracthyr aren’t dragons.

Scalies and furries go hand in hand.

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Why do you keep posting characters from a dead game that Blizzard couldn’t support because of their ineptitude?


Because it still proves the point. Dragons fight in either human form or dragon form. So staying in your human form fits just fine within the lore. And either way, heroes of the storm is a blizzard owned product, so this is how they see dragons.

So they chose to hilariously shrink them.

Oh well… :man_shrugging:

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Deathwing was the most requested character ever. They had to add him in some way. That’s how they did it. It was fine.


I’d prefer the opposite where I never see the tumblr elf form. :face_vomiting:


I mean you already have that as an option. You can just stay dragon.

And I wanted Mannoroth but now that game is dead.

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I disagree. Get rid of visage form. Dracthyr are not Worgan with a curse that can be controlled and revert back to human form. They are not full size dragons so the need for a visage form is irrelevant


It being dead or alive doesn’t really matter. It was used as an example to show a dragon fighting as a human, nothing more. The game died because it was poorly managed.

I do wish they managed it better though. Heroes was genuinely fun.

Dragons use visage forms as a disguise more than anything. I would think a drackthyr would still wanna blend in. Even if they are humanoid size, they are still a dragon in a world that doesn’t regard dragons very highly.

So you want a glyph :slight_smile:

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