Please just let Drackthyr perma stay in Visage form

None of this :poop: has any bearing on anything, it’s a video game, Blizz can make breath attacks come out of the players feet.

Once again. You can call upon the power of the dragon aspects and not get every single ability the dragons have

Yes. I asked for evidence that dracthyrs get every single magical power to the same degree that dragons do.

You gave me a line about a quest where they get taught visage form.

yeah and i answered you

Visage form is stupid.


Okay. Right back at you then. Where is it stated that they do not have the same visage power as the other dragons?

hes trolling just ignore him he cant handle that hes wrong i guess

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Those words do not mean what you think they mean.

This means every single evoker is equal in power to the dragon aspects. Which makes them 100 million times more powerful than the average player PC.

No. Thats not how this works.

You don’t prove a negative.

You prove a positive. Thats like saying “show me proof in game that Jaine is not 3 goblins in a robe. Until you can’t, its lore that she is”

This isn’t how words work. You are over here asking for every singly dracthyr to be given the same power level as dragon aspects. That would never happen in a game. I am sorry you don’t understand that.

Nor is your statement relevant to it.

I am sorry you dont know how words work.

Ya know those that call others names represents that name themselves.

Ah yes. Because the last time that happened it didn’t totally ruin the theme of the race right?


it did.

Demon hunters don’t attack with wings.

Eye beams is not a breath attack? How is that an arguement? It’s not even the same thing as breath attacks, which looks ridiculous on other models besides dragons.

Wish lore was written as: they need to accept how dracthyr look. Imagine their visage form taking the form of something not even remotely connected to their secret private island. (That’s how lore was, right?)

No use for camouflage or infiltration etc.

That wasn’t reaching. If you play a drackthyr the guards all spit on you and tell you to go back home.

You mean like Death Knights.

your just making crap up to troll at this point you were given the answer to why they can turn into visage and why they have the dragon powers your purposely acting obtuse bye

It didn’t ruin anything. Just improved upon a mistake. I get you’re still salty but you lost. High Elves took over, void elves just fizzled into obscurity.

I have to actually write stuff, can’t just do quotes :laughing:

Why are they joining the horde or alliance for that matter?

I did not ask why they can turn into visage. I did not ask why they have dragon powers.

Once again. Please read my actual statements.

Yeah. Exactly like dk’s. Do you think dk’s in lore are well received at all? It’s a gameplay thing they get along with everyone. But realistically they are still very feared.

you really are acting obtuse read your own words your the one who quoted whats in bold and asked for citation learn to read what you quote next time bye for good

I don’t know. Whatever reason they are giving for Dragonflight. I know it has something to do with Ebonhorn and Wrathion getting involved.

Thank you for agreeing with me.

As you can see in the quote you posted, I did not ask why dracthyrs get a visage form.