Please just give us a 10-man Mythic Raid option

Its sunday wheres the usual troll post of “wah wah i cant get into groups”. This wont get the bites you want.

2/2/6 should be the future of Raiding.

We have way too many difficulties. Normal/Heroic dungeons. then Mythic+ which makes the other two irrelevant once you are geared and can smoke through them easily.

in Wotlk, it was perfect, you had Normal and Heroic., Then can repeat that and just convert LFR to Normal raid/ Heroic for Mythic raids. ez pz. fix. and you can choose to go 25 or 10 in those difficulties.

By ICC, you had effectively 3 different tiers (10N, 25N/10H, 25H). What I think you’re thinking of is the version we had in Cataclysm, pre-dragon soul.

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Going to 10 doesn’t solve this.

This sounds like something that’s only really a pug concern, which means not a problem. It is intended and expected that mythic is unfriendly to pugs.

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It’s also unfriendly to Mythic raid teams though because you need 25+ people on the raid team, but only 20 people can play at a time.

And it’s only gotten worse with the introduction of more classes and the re-introduction of raid buffs/debuffs. Three-quarters of the raid roster is locked in at this point; there’s very little flexibility.


There are enough raiding difficulties as is. Pick one.

I vote no. End of discussion.

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Ok, Ok, I’ll get right on it.

I want MYTHIC to be added to LFR.

Question is, why 10? What’s so special about that number? The only reason we use base 10 is because we have 10 fingers. There are lots of numbers that are more interesting.

For example 12 is more interesting than 10 because it has so many single digit factors, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6. Then there are prime numbers, those are always fun or powers of 2.

So why 10?

Going to copa pasta the same statement I did few expansions ago since ppl are still coping

When you figure out putting all the classes in 10 man in one go , you will get your 10 man raids .Since that is mathematically impossible I guess you ain’t getting it :stuck_out_tongue:

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LOL You realize you can only “like” something so many times a day, right?

I can get into groups. i’m 4/8 Mythic. But I also spend more time waiting for raid to start to fill, than raiding itself.

Here is the issue with 10 man mythic.

  1. 10 man mythic would be way easier then 20 man and would just need a whole new game mode.
  2. META. 10 man would mean only bring the 10 best picks with 20 man every class has repersentation but in 10 man it has nothing.
  3. if you are struggle to get a 20 man roster either you arent recruiting properly or you need to find new people to raid with.

So basically your whole post is make new raiding game mode thats just as restrictive on classes like M+ is and make something easier them mythic because i dont want to find new people to recruit or leave whatever low end guild i am in so i rather comlpain then do something about it.

Edit: also who is WE? because you are one of the very few asking for it. So wouldnt it be better to not over exagerate your post and just say I would like 10 man mythic. all you did was lose any and all creditbility

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Honestly, one of the toughest thing about Savage raiding in FFXIV, too. You have 8 people in your static, no more, no less, and if one person doesn’t show up, then either you’re hoping for a competent pug to bring in or nobody’s raiding that night.

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Tettles did a video with this stupid idea. We do
Not need 10 man mythic. We need flex raiding across the board and removal of the lock out.

I don’t know who that is so :dracthyr_shrug:

He’s a semi-popular streamer and boomkin guide writer as well as high end raider and M+ key pusher with … interesting… ideas to improve the game.

Probably because we’re getting close to end of season, so guilds are seeing a lot more attendance issues as players aren’t motivated to log in if they’ll just be progressing a new raid soon anyway.

Once you start getting bosses on farm, it is nice to be able to sit out for a few bosses to prevent burnout. I would hate to have to be in on every single boss every raid because of a non existent or severely limited bench.

The PoddyC or The Bench talked about it I think, can’t remember if it was both or one of those podcasts, as well as Max and Dratnos.