Please just give us a 10-man Mythic Raid option

We have been asking so many times. I honestly don’t even care about the achievement, the mount. We can even have a separate Hall of Fame! It can even be easier or harder doesn’t matter. just give us a 10-man mythic raid. Attendance boss is just too hard every season and wastes everyone’s time. 20 ppl is just too hard to group up. We are all hard-working millennials with other lives and i’m tired of wasting 2 hours each raid night waiting to see if we will get 20- ppl dancing around in front of raid boss.



I’d love this. I used to do 10m Heroic (before Mythic was a thing) - I didn’t like 25m raiding. So when it became 20m I wasn’t interested. I have Cutting Edge from MoP from 10m raiding. I like smaller groups, easier to connect in my opinion, closer knit group. I just like small raid sizes. Group I raid with right now has 10-14 on a raid night, some nights we have to cancel as we don’t have 10. I’m fine with that.


Flex should be default for all difficulties and the raid id lock for mythic should be dropped as well.


I have to wonder how this idea started getting so popular again this week.

I’m not opposed to it, they used to have that and imo it worked just fine

Sorry, ten man raids, not necessarily ten man mythic

I’ve always preferred 10-mans over 25-mans. It felt more like you got to know each person in the raid. 10-man mythic raids would be amazing.


You realize that if you only recruit 10 people and don’t have a bench, you’re going to run into the exact same problem you have if you only recruit 20…right?

And people aren’t going to want to put in the effort to push further into a mythic raid (than what you can pug halfway through a season, anyway) if there isn’t at least CE at the end as a reward.

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Do not do this. Whatever pygmy brained streamer suggested this idea, banish them to the shadow realm and let the idea die.

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Whether 10- or 20-player, fixed raid sizes are a bad idea. Blizzard realized this way back in MoP when they created flex raiding, which they have since extended to all other difficulties, except Mythic - an omission that really needs to be changed.

I’m not sure you can get Mythic encounters down to 10 players, but I’m certain you could get them down to 18, or maybe even 15, with a little tuning. Meanwhile, it’s very important for current raid teams that they be able to bring their whole roster, meaning raising the max to 30 players like all the other difficulties.

The worst thing about Mythic raiding is having to tell your friends, “sorry, you can’t play tonight”.


I mean…if it’s farm content, a decent raid lead will be subbing people in and out on a boss-per-boss basis to at least get most people a vault slot and/or a shot at specific pieces they need. It sucks having to sit people for extended periods if you hit a wall on a prog boss and their spec just isn’t as suited to it as another’s, but that’s just the way it goes. Like, we had a guy riding the bench for the month we spent on Queen just recently, but he was in next week to get his CE for the next kill.

The problem with making mythic flex is that it would be much harder to balance mechanics to be as challenging as they want them to be for any given size. Evidence being how often you see something like “The number of [insert bomb or debuff mechanic] has been reduced or scales differently on Heroic difficulty.” Better to just have a fixed raid size and a fixed number of debuffs going out every round than to have to futz with it right away.

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Yeah thanks for the condescending reply; I’ve only been running a CE guild for over ten years, now.

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Flex doesn’t help when the encounters are blatantly designed for x amount of unique bodies / cooldowns and don’t scale down the mechanics that matter for smaller sizes despite having the tech to do so. Not speaking about Nerub’ar in particular (though Queen is rough because you pretty much need to have EVERY dps know what’s up instead of picking a few who aren’t blind), but it comes up on and off again and has since 10m went away as a static raid size.

I agree Mythic SHOULD Flex, but it’s clear Blizzard designs for 20m now either way.

If the raid was made to be flex, wouldn’t that mean they would also balance the mechanics around this as well?

Raids already are in Norm/Hero and certain mechanics don’t scale down to accommodate smaller sizes.

lol… Dunno how such a super-awesome CE guild runner as you are can have such a thin skin if you found >that< condescending.


The new raid went up for testing on the ptr recently so maybe people think that if they mention it now it could get added in the subsequent tuning?

I doubt it would work that way, though. I don’t know how easily blizz could make that kind of change but I imagine it would take longer than the ptr cycle to add the feature and make the flex reasonably balanced. I say this mostly because even to this day, some bosses are noticeably easier or more difficult in flex difficulties depending on group size(leaving all other group factors such as gear, skill, raid buffs, healer/dps ratio…etc the same).

Blizz and the community would want to make sure it is done it right so we don’t get situations like 20m man teams having to cut down to 10 to get a prog kill because doing it with 10 people is way easier than 20 or other such shenanigans.

It sounds pretty cool on paper if they could nail it, though.


So you prefer not having people raid at all.

That seems weird, to me.

Well, then we can easily find 10 OTHER ppl that wants to. It’s significantly easier than 20. This just needs to happen already.

then why didn’t you like his post.

No, mythic is 20 man for a reason.


Allowing raids to pug more easily and giving mythic a little bit of flex would go a long way.