Please Include *One* RPPVP Server for Anniversary Realms

If only comments could be framed and hung in museums.

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So far on their ‘glorious’ Mega Non-RP Server:
80% more political swill
Disgusting names + guild names
Racist Names
Racist/Garbage ‘official’ Discord
Attacking LGTBQ friendly guilds
Constant aggression/negativity in Trade/General
Barrens Chat has become all of the above
Sexist commentary
Attacking RP Guilds or people attempting RP in public

PvP servers are trash, get me off of it.


Guys, I’m bitter. There’s OCE players asking where to roll because “Maladath is already struggling/likely to be struggling for numbers”.

There was supposedly enough of a movement for OCE to get a special server made, and now the people they made it for are already abandoning ship and fearing the theoretical “dead server”? Damn, if they don’t want to play there just shut it down and spin up a US-based RP server, please!


And their threads paled in comparison to the requests for RP.

I also recall some of those ‘Need OCE Servers NOW’ weren’t very polite either.


So far on their ‘glorious’ Mega Non-RP Server:
80% more political swill
Disgusting names + guild names
Racist Names
Racist/Garbage ‘official’ Discord
Attacking LGTBQ friendly guilds
Constant aggression/negativity in Trade/General
Barrens Chat has become all of the above
Sexist commentary
Attacking RP Guilds or people attempting RP in public

All of those “jUsT RoLePLaY oN tHe PvE/PvP sErVeR” chuds going silent right about now.

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Those threads were not polite at all, most of them.

I think the dev team moreso feared the backlash of locking out an entire region though over an entire community— one they surmised would just take whatever they got and keep logging in anyway. For the most part they were right but still, the principle of the thing is shameful.

And that even says nothing of their refusal to even speak to us on the subject, which is honestly what bothers me most.

If they have their reasons then fine, share that with the community and maybe we’ll understand. But to just totally ignore us…it’s just outright disrespect and we really deserve better.


Hear, hear.

lifts mug


It has to be this way unfortunately. By now it won’t even be “fresh” if they allow transfers to new realms. Defeats the entire purpose of going again from 0.

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I will RP all day long with you Papi, just get me off this mega server…

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We will accept all who come to RP!


RPPVP server when?


Today would be great! Blizz, listen to this cow!


Yes yes, to the cow you listen. No time like the present!

I still feel like somebody at Blizzard is probably on our side. I wonder if there is anything (else) we can do to help them make a case for adding a realm for us…

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Roleplayers are regular players who get bored of WoW too. There is nothing to suppose this low-pop server will die during say, phase 5.

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I’m sure some of them are. The question though is whether or not anyone who matters is.

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the abandonment of RP realms is just solid proof that these are retail devs tinkering around with classic :expressionless: the classic game is at its core an RPG. this is in contrast to retail, which is not an RPG at all but rather some kind of action adventure arcade-style game.


This is the part that I feel like they just don’t get. It’s like they’ve forgotten that they’re actually working on an RPG.


I wanted to add my thanks to all the posters here and all those who are bumping up the visibility by reading and liking these posts. Win or lose it’s good to know you aren’t alone in the love for the lore and story of the game and desire to roleplay in it.


You’re not alone, not by a long shot.

If anything this entire situation seems to have galvanized the RP community, at least here on these forums.