Please include more social rules and adjustments for LGBT and Minority Communities

Weird bait is weird.

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Not what I said. I’m used to trolls responding to my feedback threads and being the problem. I have nothing to worry about personally as I’m doing nothing wrong. The trolls should be very worried especially with this new social contract.

Ok. That’s the point that I’m getting at. People can misuse and abuse these systems to get other people banned for nothing by simply mass reporting them. Look at what people did in New World.

You might not think you’re doing anything offensive, but you can still be banned because these systems are usually managed by computers, not people.


why do people want to ban trolling so bad. it’s just trolling. not my problem you fed the trolls and feel stupid about it.
people get their little egos so bruised by getting messed with on the internet. you can’t even say ugly on Instagram even if the context isn’t “harassing” and is sarcasm. is this really what people want?


Oh big time, especially with the likes of OP here to a point where it’s actually a bad idea to have this as an option. Let alone an option to report hetrophobia even.

With that said, i’m not against the idea of having bigotry in the menu via right click. I just think it will be abused heavily thanks to Blizzard’s vague rules. I’m sorry, but simply saying “just don’t be a jerk, don’t be a bigot” doesn’t really work when you got so many people with varying different ideas of what bigotry or hatred even is that they will even go after you for saying something nice that not only sounds nice but is nice. They should really make the rules a bit more concrete on what’s not allowed to do, like mislabeling people for instance, because that causes actual harm to the actual victims who are actually being bigoted against.

Oh that’s not even the worst part about overusing those labels, it takes the actual homophobia/transphobia away just to focus on somebody who are just most likely are sick of OP’s (and Talonel) agitating and inciting hatred against people they dislike as well the people they claim to be allied with, which in turn brings in more homophobia or transphobia, whether it be toxic positivity/concern trolling like OP is doing, or just downright bullying people.


Agreed. Even Talonel himself agree–

…So what you’re saying is… The Talonel we knew… is an evil twin?! :scream:

…Actually that makes sense.

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Factually, if we ALL behave ourselves like ADULTS there would be no reason to have to protect anyone.
And thats the problem. Too many players prefer to behave like petulant children and cause chaos, even when theyre supposed to be working with the team/group.


Seems to be random.
Ive reported the other side for killing quest NPCs and BOOM…they were just gone, lol.
other times Ive reported chat abuse and yeah…never saw anything really done…same character in there for days saying the same thing
Either wasnt a technical violation…or someone just didnt have time to do anything about it.

I am very confused on what you just posted. Seems like a bunch of spam that does not belong on the forums. Please be more clear without the use of low quality meme videos.

Enforcing it would cost them a significant portion of their playerbase. They’ll only touch the most extreme cases.

I would say something along the lines of society being more dainty these days but then I would be accused of being a jerk.


Wow. Wow. I never thought this was possible, but you actually did it. You actually made the people who admit to me in the past that they didn’t read my fair lengthy comments… actually smart.

How did you get legit confused from that? Like i’m honestly fascinated how a simple joke like that just flew over your head. Actually even that isn’t correct because it implies that you’re on the same planet for the joke to fly over your head in the first place.

And before you say “But aren’t jokes suppose to be funny–” It’s literally written to be hyperbolic. You would know that if you know humor, but instead you’re calling it spam.


It’s my freedom to act like a manchild and I will die on this hill


There is nothing new here, you know that right?

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Sure there is. New options to report players by. Plus a social contract that will help curve toxic behavior. What do you mean there’s nothing new?

Curb* not curve

The prospective new “social contract” which is not official yet will more or less serve as a reminder to already established rules. Most likely any change to player behavior will be minimal and not noticeable. Most people don’t have anything to worry about, even the Chicken Littles who are crying about the sky falling.

The only thing that will invoke change is when they start really enforcing these rules.

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This is the same as the EULA. You have always been able to report players. So, what is new?


nobody cares that I made a spelling mistake, move on.

This is the first step to achieving that. Can’t you see beginnings need to start somewhere?

And how would these trolls know? There is no way anyone is going to look at your avatar and have a single clue about your sexual orientation, unless you tell them. If you do, and they didn’t ask, YOU’RE BAITING THEM. It’s kind of like that mislabeled term “reverse racism”, there will ALWAYS be ignorant haters, you have to be better, ignore them, report them, and not respond to them. If you bait and argue, you’re just as bad as they are.


Or considered spam, like OP has done with my very simple joke comment… :point_down:

Like… i actually hope i don’t need to explain this obviously spelled out joke to anybody… right? … right Karckus?..