Please in the future give us a gdkp server

Instead of saying it happens just say name drop people are buying gold in here…

You’re such a chad in your dungeon gear. Maybe you need to GDKP to get some raid gear huh

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Try to reply to the original response. I know more than 6 words may be tough, but i have confidence in you.

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There’s really only one solution for this, Blizzard offering a currency exchange. It’s inevitably the future of gaming and gaming will be a huge part of our real economy as AI takes more and more manual labor jobs.

It has to be something Blizzard has on their radar, if they don’t, they should.

Spot on… great example. I decided I would do a SR pug on my 3rd alt last night. Flasks consumes all that probably around 300g spent on this MC. meanwhile there are people not consuming not world buffed. Walked out with nothing and -300g and -1.5 hour of my time lol anyone who doesent want GDKP’s are the same people that must have been in this raid and got lucky with their rolls and SR’s and got carried. They know if they joined a GDKP they wouldnt get anything because they are bad and lazy


Preach. Anti gdkpers are grey parsing leeches.


Preach. Gdkpers are all poor. The tears are so good

Grey parser talking :joy::joy::joy:


What about everyone on anniversary buying gold to pay for consumes, no different than buying gold to use in GDKPs. If you don’t have a mage or hunter to instance farm you are either poor or swiping. All those fresh 60s with 5k+ gold (like every Warrior with Lionheart, Edgemasters, epic mount, etc) I guess are just good at the game.

100%,the average player has no way to make real amounts of gold. No GDKP pots, impossible to farm (mining, herbing) with all the bots flying around or under the ground, and if you don’t have say a Mage or Hunter hard to instance farm. Most people that were anti-RMT have resulted to RMT to buy consumes to raid.

I am broke as hell and still saving for epic mount. I have 300 mining and routes I’ve used on era that made me decent gold I barely can find a single node to mine on anniversary because of the Bots.

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Mining routes :joy: this didn’t work last classic. Look at essence farming or Strat for orbs. Plenty of ways to make gold, just not the easy farms.

Maining the least desirable dungeon runner isn’t always a great move.

I’d rather grey parse than be poor!

youll be zg bloodvine farming in no time!

yup /10char

Please refrain from swaying off topic, or insults. I know this is hard. Thank you.

@Babette You act like RMT can only exist in one form and not another. You’re being intentionally dishonest.

Swipers still seething. :rofl:

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bump /10char

and it makes sense why… gdkps were a way to make a lot of gold without buying it :expressionless: and they removed that. really makes you think

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Yeah, the argument that gold buying is up because gdkps are gone just proves how much rmt gold was going through gdkps.

All the players wanting it back are either bad at the game, and don’t know how to make gold.

Or poor

No inbetween

level 23 huh