Gold buying is still just as bad as before and with you guys doing nothing about the bots its made gold making nearly impossible for someone who works full time. Please just segregate the servers leave the SR andys on their own server and the gdkp chads on another.
What an odd way of saying “swiper”
Classic era and cata still have them. I stopped with anniversary as the phases are too short and my lifestyle and work don’t mesh in traditional guilds. On era I’m still free to raid when I want make gold and get geared. The non tbc players will all be here in about 8 months so ill just keep working on my toons here.
people who do gdkp are not chads.
They get more content down than the average pug and guild, so they kinda are
A chad doesn’t play wow.
A few but overshadowed by fat nerds
If you’re doing gdkp, you either buy or sell gold.
Wrong. Have you ever even been to one? Or do you just watch bs videos on youtube and parrot what other people say? A lot of items go very cheap and the high gold ones can be obtained if you just do your lockouts.
I have no, nor will ever, partake in a gdkp. Gold buyers and sellers, all of em.
Ahh so you are ignorant. You are no different than a cave man thinking the sun is a magical fire ball god in the sky as he grunts and his eyes bleed. You don’t know because you only listen to what reddit or metagoblin says.
Even if you don’t directly buy/sell gold, you’re dealing with people who do. This is no different. Because, you KNOW that the gold has touched RMT at some point. It makes YOU the same as someone doing RMT, and it makes you a gold seller or buyer. Embrace the low class “gamer” you are. It’s ok head pats
Ahhh, funny you say that because in case you didn’t know, gdkp is banned on fresh yet somehow more gold is being sold there than anywhere else. Now why would anyone use bought gold on fresh if there is no gdkp? Auctions and trades.
So if you sell things on the auction house you are no different than a person farming gold from raiding gdkp. You have bought gold on you right now, 100%, just like anyone else on fresh who is selling items on the ah.
If you make comments like this you are a dingus.
Nah, get my gold for showing up and staying til the end. You should try and convert your generosity to more brain cells
You can tell who buys or sells gold, they get VERY defensive when you attack their money flow of gdkp lololol
Why do you have to buy gold in gdkp, when you make gold at every run?
And if everyone that ran gdkps was a gold buyer on era- there would be a lot more banning going.
Stop being a dingus.
He’s never done one before but let him pretend he knows how it works. It’s comical af
Keep on being defensive, RMT players. If you weren’t, you wouldn’t be so aggressive to defend gdkps.
Answer this please:
Why do you have to buy gold when you make gold at every run?