Please in the future give us a gdkp server

“Scared” lmao touch grass

Aussie detected opinion rejected, go back to losing wars to birds

Because an Americans opinion is so highly regarded… Hahahaha

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It is, it’s why you have to use American forums.


Is that why?

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I never said I was against gdkp.

He doesn’t realize without us him and his parents would have been speaking japanese

I don’t think anyone is saying that rmt isn’t in gdkps.

The issue is using absolutes, there is no chance every gdkp has a swiper.

Infact there is more people buying gold now than with gdkps in the game.

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I agree. Not every gdkp may be a swiper. But, the dishonesty of people saying RMT isn’t hugely involved with it is what annoys me. You seem like you know what’s up with them. But, with how hard people try to act like RMT isn’t a big deal in GDKP, you know they love to benefit from it while trying to “justify” why it’s ok, because THEY don’t swipe.

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Tell me what that has to do with an Americans opinion. That education system showing again.

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Just be grateful and silent

Like you would of done anything. Too scared to roll on a PvP server

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Yeah I’m much too young to have fought in WW2, you’re right mr 500iq

All GDKP players are filthy RMTers. They all buy gold for easy boss kills. No one actually kills the bosses though. They just walk into the room and the bidding starts. There are actually NEVER any geared players in the raid that are there to make gold to invest in their alternate characters to also run GDKPs to make even more gold. Nope- just all filthy gold buyers.


I’m assuming with this “holier-than-thou” attitude that you also refuse to sell anything on the Auction House right? You wouldn’t want to be a hypocrite right?

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Banning GDKP without doing enough about gold buyers and sellers (bots) was a weird move by Blizzard.

You could make so much gold from GDKP in part because gold buyers join raids as buyers and pump bought gold into the pockets of people in the raid. This isn’t hard to understand.

Why the team didn’t see that it wasn’t enough to stop with GDKP to curb the problem is baffling.

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Was a placebo for the antis.

Game is trashed but they dont care cuz gdkps are banned rofl.


Another dumb Elrond thread. Go play Diablo Immoral.

Theres several versions of wow that allow GDKP. just play those. You don’t have to have a GDKP clutch on every version of wow out there.

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I’m to lazy to use the ah. Yes, I’m better than you, if you’re part of the RMT lesser creatures. I just vendor everything. I’ve also never had a 100% mount lol