Please in the future give us a gdkp server

Luckily for him make-believe and pretend is free!


because why spend weeks accumulating that gold through GDKP for 1 or 2 items when you can just swipe and get 4 items your first run?

Because I don’t want a ban and it’s a waste of money irl


Yep, not doing something means you CAN NOT understand how it works. If you’ve never been a victim of theft, you can’t understand that theft is wrong. So you actively encourage theft.

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Sure thing babbling Jimmy


Henry cavill plays WoW and hes pro gdkp :flushed:


Hey buddy- Can you answer this?

Why do you have to buy gold if you make it on every run?


He wont answer. He watched a grifter youtuber claim gdkp organizers are making millions of dollars a year and the reddit hive mind says gdkp bad, so he has to die on that hill.


Same, but we both know that not everyone thinks the same and still buys gold

You don’t. But, people are dishonest about it. And, the AGGRESSIVENESS here proves it. People do gdkps to make gold, while the gold buyers fund it. The carries will pretend they don’t know what’s going on. GDKP players are equal to bots.


you should be permanently banned by hardware ID for being a worthless gold buyer

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Nope don’t. I don’t want loot to be awarded based off who bought the most gold

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Seeing as Blizz has been on the No GDKP path (and for good reason) with newer releases Id say the chance of a GDKP server is pretty much zero.

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do they do it just to make gold?
Then why?
-helps keeps players until the end of a raid
-incentive for carries
-raid schedule flexibility

I agree. Smooth brain dingus melts down when people don’t buy gold and still gdkp.
It’s hilarious


I believe having a single server, when they do events or new servers to have gdkp is a good thing. It’s a nice containment server where all the bots and gold buyers can go to show who has the biggest disposable income. Impressing only themselves.

No one would gdkp for 5g pots. They only survive because of rmt


Its fun to think about but realistically speaking its likely never going to happen.

Classic Era got grandfathered in so anyone who is serious about GDKP (what a stupid name) and its benefits can just start a reroll project on a dead cluster and buy/sell carries to their hearts content.

No. Find a different game to ruin.

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You mean anniversary realms!! Lol

I would argue there is less bots and gold buying on era than there is on anniversary


I think we’ve determined the swipers are just pvp andy’s based on Nightslayers economy