Please Improve the Moderation System

You CAN report a single post on more than one character and get it burried. That is considered abuse of the reporting system though so people should not do it.

Just because we can do something, does not mean we should :slight_smile:

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yes the system lets you do it but it is against the rules and people are suspended for it so that point of your complaint isn’t very valid since it only takes once for people to learn not to do it a second time.

So the suggestion to limit the flagging of a post to once-per-account “isn’t very valid” because people may or may not get punished if they flag the same post multiple times?


What’s next, saying that censors shouldn’t be a thing since people will “learn not to do it a second time” if the system allows them to post unmasked profanity?


What they said when removing it was that the “dislike” button was never intended for people to click to indicate that they disliked a post, and people who were using it that way were abusing the system.


Can’t tell if sarcasm. Well-done if so because wow that looks genuine.

They told us that the purpose of the dislike button was to report posts that were in violation.

I too would enjoy better forum moderation.



I think you misremember. They did not say that. They did say they felt it was disruptive in that it hid posts for what were often petty social reasons with forum factions.

It was never a means to report. We had an actual report button they wanted us to use and it was better. It let us put in text explaining why we were reporting and we could point out patterns.

They felt that people sometimes used dislike instead of report which meant some posts that needed reporting did not get reported. It was never ever to be used for reporting posts.


Sadly, we likely won’t get any changes to the forums until a different type/brand of forum is used. I’d like to see the downvote brought back, and the comment box.


comment box
My marxist guild hate the federalists always fighting us in PVP please ban them

“I am literally shaking right now over this comment that wasn’t even directed at me and I had to go searching for in threads made months ago. My safe space has been permanently violated, please ban this toxic individual so I may continue to live in a bubble completely devoid of any logic, nuance, and just good old fashioned knowledge, thank you.”


The upshot to comments like that is it helps weed out the flag abusers.

I say ban everyone :rage:

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Don’t let those 15k posts cloud your judgment :stuck_out_tongue:

Here’s what I really dislike about trust levels, I hate how you cannot report posts because of how low your trust level is. Because the thing is, we all agreed to the TOS and such, so why can’t we all report something?

Honestly Blizzard could probably stop pretty a decent amount of the abusive flagging by just banning Beak?


If they brought back the dislike button, it would at least be more honest than flagging what you don’t like. Some people can’t stand that their opinions aren’t well received.

wiggles toes


honestly i’d welcome them removing the ability for people to post images on this forum. the unfathomable hyper majority of images posted are rubbish gifs posted purely to spite/anoy/troll another user

Maybe allow images in places like tech support and the ui/addons sub sections where images are actually usefull to convey information but yeah, get them out of GD they serve no benefit. Who honestly enjoys being trolled by a person with so called “trust”? Talk about abuse of trust


Let people have fun with their gifs. If we sanitize everything, then nothing would be worth visiting.

wiggles toes