On Prepatch-PTR we see that The Darkmoon Faire npcs are selling WOTLK herbs and elements. With Prepatch coming out on the August 30th we’ll still have 1 more Darkmoon Faire in early September, before WOTLK release.
Usually I wouldn’t care about something so obscure but with Server First Achievements for professions it’s important for there to be an equal playing field when the first boats to Northrend arrive. Also there’s already bots being tested with those vendors on the PTR which means us legitimate players can’t compete;)
Otherwise raising awareness just in case Blizzard lets this exploit make it to live.
Yes, yes they do. When I hit mine for herbalism it broadcasted a message across the entire server and I got spammed with “grats” and “bastard” messages. This is something everyone playing at release will see a lot of the first few hours of the expansion, kind of like the vanilla AQ gong messages.
In the original WOTLK they cared a bit more than now, because Server First was set to grant titles to each person who got one, e.g. “Korukwarr the Alchemist” or “Master Smith Korukwarr”, but sadly titles never made it to live even though Server First achieves remained.
At the moment, achievements do not broadcast to your area or even to your guild. So I doubt server firsts would broadcast to everyone at all unless they fix it.