Please hold off on connecting realms in classic

You can’t just believe Blizzard will do what the say they will do.

$35 -> $15?

So, you are now upset that they reduced the price?

Can’t win for losing it would seem.

No. The price is irrelevant to me. Classic low ball move. Their word is worthless.

Uhhh. ok man. Keep drinking the cool aid

Drinking Kool-Aid refers to people who go along with it.

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I know. You are going along with the tin-foil hat folks who think it’s a shadowy plan from evil corporations.

You point is still moot. And yea, I misspelled a trademarked name. So, what.

Possibly. $

Thing is that they can’t reshuffle once it’s done, because that would break guilds and such. So they have to do it right the first time. And I just want them to hold off a month or two at least just to see where and who is playing so that they don’t create stupid faction imbalances that will be game killers.

Whoever wants to prematurely connect realms, is so out of touch with the gamers or how this game plays.

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because they’re not Blizzard anymore they’re a large, greedy corporate entity known as Activision and they don’t care about anything but money.

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you know what’s a bigger immersion killer? Dead servers


Unless you’re super into post-apoc roleplay.

They won’t be dead. They’ll be super unbalanced with long login ques.

Classic servers?


People need to stop assuming that current faction balance will carry over into classic era, there’s no logical reason to assume that this will necessarily be true.

Consider classic era a fresh start as far as community goes. Unique server identity doesn’t mean anything anymore in classic era when most people will move on to TBC so get ready to create a new community across your connected servers even if you get to keep the respective server name.

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Twelve million keks

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You need to be realistic about this, most people are going to TBC. I love Classic too but don’t expect a huge population when you play Era.

Maybe, but when you have 12000 people on one side and 7000 people on the other if the same % from each side decides to play Era then you’ve got the imbalance. Or maybe some from that 7000 decide they aren’t playing Era because of the imbalance (although to be fair the imbalance was already there on most of the servers so these people are probably used to it). in my posts I stated that I would wait a few months before doing anything, knowing that faction balance could change based on who actually plays but at this point it doesn’t look good.

The PVP East servers are only really the ones affected though, for the other ones the balance is fine or irrelevant (the PVE ones).

I can’t speak for the OP though, in this comment about balance, I don’t agree that Era will be packed full of people with or without a merge.

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It’s an interesting situation. I was at least a bit skeptical when I saw the composition of the new realm lists. My instinct would have been to wait and merge later, but I can see how it makes sense to do merges now. A lot of players will panic if they see a big population decrease from their servers.

It does appear that they’re trying to mainly take into account faction numbers, but even that is a bit of a crapshoot at this point. Also, over the course of Classic so far, the playerbase as a whole has seemed pretty dead-set on segregating themselves onto heavily-imbalanced realms. It will be interesting to see if that happens with the remaining population (and in TBC), or if the people who stay are more likely to be the ones who aren’t necessarily seeking realms where their faction has the overwhelming majority. That’s anyone’s guess at this point.

Faction balance is only one aspect of a realm’s culture, though, and for PvE realms, it’s not really even that significant. I would be more worried about the types of realms that got merged together. There are some realms in my group, for example, that have developed very different server-cultures since Classic’s Vanilla launch. Players on Faerlina and Windseeker tend to have pretty different expectations of their respective communities, so I wouldn’t be surprised to see some culture clash somewhere. But again, it’s hard to say exactly how that will be affected by the coming events.

I was fine with the server connections till I say mine. We get like 1 normal server and the rest of the servers don’t have an Alliance population at all. So we just getting more horde. Alas, you’d think I’d be used to this by now.

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This is an interesting point. I think with the drop in population there would already be a change in the culture but for sure merging servers does cause some issues.

I saw this first hand when 75% of the Incendius horde came to my server. it was essentially a merger due to the large numbers. You’d have some of the more outspoken people just attacking the “native” population and saying things like “We are going to save the server. We are here to turn this server into Incendius 2.0. Everyone who was on this server sucks we are taking over”. That kind of thing. Then on top of that the competitive for horde vs alliance world boss spawns turned into 4 of their guilds taking complete control of the WBs on both side. Also the alliance went from 55% population to 45% population and some of the aggressive horde guilds just went at them. Like the alliance felt it too but you saw more of the chat horde side (alliance had something like 5 Incendius guilds transfer but it wasn’t like the 30+ we got). There were good changes and other bad changes but I don’t need to keep going.

Things slowly started feeling better. I like my server today with the quirks but it definitely went away from what we affectionately called a dad server up until that point.

So that’s a story from a merge situation perspective. I hope that the people who are playing Era at all can just come together as much as possible and the clashing isn’t that bad. That part can stay with the masses who go to TBC only.