Like… Please hire a DK dev.
Nah dude, having a dev for each class, that understands them on a fundamental level, is too much for the ‘Largest dev team WoW has ever had’ (Maybe not after the layoffs lol). After watching the crap Diablo 4 has gone through, there is clearly like 1 or 2 people on the entire team who know how Gameplay + Math work for classes, and the rest just draw pretty pictures and pick the worst possible ideas.
No class has a designated developer. Its a pretty good thing too or else these forums would be rife with “so and so is so dumb, how about have someone that actually plays the class, they should be fired”.
Class devs are cycled to keep things new for them and to bring new eyes to the classes. The dev just took what the forums were asking for and gave it to DK. The state of DK is directly on the backs of the people on the forums asking for this design.
All you ever do is spit nonsense on the forums. The state of DK is directly on the backs of the devs that designed the spec.
All you do is LFR… How could you possibly know the problems we have? Try doing some real end game content.
My favorite thing is when DF was revealed and they said communication is important to them and devs would stay active in the forums. Something about listening and responding to feedback during the entire expansion. That bs lasted for a month if that and every class forum has had radio silence since. Blizzard lies to us every expansion reveal and we eat it up and think this time will be different. I will say this expansion was heading in the right direction but so much work is still needed and basic communication between player and dev is still abysmal. Look at pal world how long have people been asking for a game like that? Someone makes it and it blows up! It’s time to listen to the players a little more, if a group of people are in agreement that something needs to be changed with a class why not respond and let’s see where what happens when and actual discussions happens.
Anyone can. Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see the glaringly obvious problems with the spec.
Yes, ultimately its their fault they listened to the forums. But the forums are not innocent in the state of the DK. 2h coming back, Killing Machine Rank 2 (Frostreaper) MotFW, KM stacking to 2, high fixation on Obliterate, long duration BoS, its all player / forum suggested and driven.
So what?
Because I have a brain that can think. You cant think of a problem that might happen due to a change? Sounds like a you problem that you have to trial and error everything to get information.
Why? Why would I want to even potentially run into people like you within the game? To appease some toxic nobodies on the forums that cant stand a narrative other than your own that dont want to have any responsibility that their words bring? Whenever you go straight to attacking a character instead of the substance of what they say you already lost. You have nothing of value to say, so run along and bug someone else.
Funny thing is, all that person had done is LFR and been carried through a +12.
This pretty much sums you up in one quote. You don’t have any real end game experience so no-one takes what you say seriously.
All you have done is LFR… so you should shut up too according to your own standards.
I do rated Pvp. Nice try tho
Ahhh… good to see hypocritical trolls on ignore.
But again, there are no designated class devs. Whoever was in charge just gave the forums what they wanted and left it at that. Ive already given examples.
Even when tier sets were introduced one person was assigned to either 3 sets, or 3 classes, cant remember. Going forward it would be a rotation of designers working on different classes. Preach even talked about things in Legion and Fury Warrior last minute design saying something along the lines of “whoever got to design Fury knocked it out of the park”. Its just an ever rotation stream of developers / designers.

Ahhh… good to see hypocritical trolls
How am I being a hypocrite? Or a troll? I’m stating facts. You don’t do any real end game content yet you speak as if you do. You’re comical.
Bro, stop arguing with that person.
I have said it before, I’ll say it again. There should be a sticky post at the top of the DK forums with a disclaimer saying to ignore that person. The only thing they do, day in and day out, is complain that everything that DK currently is, is the fault of the forums. Blizzard doesn’t even read this crap. Ignore, pretend they don’t exist, like everyone else here does.
Hate seeing quote posts, wish it would freaking ignore those too.

Blizzard doesn’t even read this crap.
Explain the focus on Obliterate if its not due to these forums pushing it. Explain Fatal Fixation. Explain KM Rank 2 (Frostreaper) which was a forum suggestion back in BFA, explain RW becoming a Frost baseline ability. If Blizzard doesnt read any of this then explain why each of those were suggestions made prior to them making it into the game and where else would they have gotten the idea?
They either got them from these forums, or the discord. Either way they were suggestions made by the playerbase.
It’s all the fault of people who enjoy the two hander playstyle specifically! The devs don’t build classes from the forums, which really is a good thing considering the ****show many of the class forums turn into. We also don’t really know what’s going on under the hood and can only speculate.
Would be nice if some suggestions got openly considered though.

Would be nice if some suggestions got openly considered though.
What like…
-2h being added back
-MotFW added back
-KM portion of MotFW being 100% chance on AA crit
-Increasing Obliterate cleave to 5 (was increased to 3 instead)
-Long duration BoS (Limit Max talked about how long duration BoS was his favorite while not infinite at the time, its infinite now)
-Fatal Fixation (Chillpills wouldnt shut up about it for months and it was added)
-GA applying RI
-RW being made a baseline spell for Frost because (too many talents go into making RW good)
-Frostscythe buff (overshadowed by the Obliterate cleave increase)
-The focus on Obliterate
Thats just what I remember off the top of my head of player suggestions that were suggested long before they were implemented. Either all the people that made these suggestions are modern day Nostradamus or they actually listened to the playerbase and what you see is the result in those suggestions.
Im sure someone even suggested Frostreaper being made baseline. I know I said it was 100% mandatory coming into DF while some people on the forums said “no its not, you will ignore it for other builds” and low and behold it was 100% mandatory.
There is nothing about Frost that is hard to understand, its a very minimal spec and quite degenerative in its design and that design was pushed by the playerbase. Other people recognize it. Its just the people with KDS that just cant admit it because it would mean I am right and you guys with KDS just cant have that.
i mean it doesnt take a genius to see that there is a problem with dk dps lol
Has been for quite some time, irregardless of weapon type or ability dominance. But to blame it all on the forum or a particular weapon type or ability is a laughably bad take.
Suggesting the Devs don’t even consider suggestions is the bad take. Not pointing out reality.