Please hire a DK dev

People keep going on about weapon type, but if dual wield performed the same number wise, and they got rid of 2h oblit… its the same gameplay its not going to make anyone that is complaining now complain any less in the future.

IDK what kds is… but how is it so simple yet most of the forum base can’t figure out how to play it. I agree it isnt rocket appliances but most of the people in here complaining can’t play the class to 50% of its ability, not just an opinion you can go look at statistical logs from the people posting. Like what is the argument then, class is simple people don’t like it so they don’t even try? If its sooooo sooo simple then the disparity between median fdk’s and 95% fdk’s should be WAY smaller than it is. The truth is a lot of people can’t seem to grasp the fundamentals of this easy class. Considering you don’t apply your self at the class in any way shape or form, I just don’t think you have the credentials to talk about what is easy or not. In before your response of how your brain is so massive that you don’t have to play to full comprehend everything there is to know about everything, but come on… you as well do not even play currently and comment on how simple it is… What do you know…

Not everyone HATES fdk right now, there are somethings that could be better of course, but honestly if you don’t like the core gameplay at this point or the vision of death knight blizzard has; maybe dk just isn’t for some of you anymore. There are other classes out there, and instead of demanding that dk fits the vision that you as a secular person have in your head, maybe its time to try a new class. Stop suffering and complaining every day for no reason.

Out of all of my characters I like playing death knight the best and I hope some of the rest of you feel like that… its not a punishment to do content on it. I don’t know why most of you even play since it sounds like its absolutely miserable just to log into the character for you.

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Some of us do! My DK has always been my main ever since they WOTLK, through the highs and lows. I do not miss the days where we were rune starved and couldn’t press almost any buttons while we waited for them to regenerate. That was the most frustrating time to play DK for me.

DK has some challenges, like any other, but I do not think the class is bad or is in need of a massive rework. We do need a little more utility/party benefits. Cleaving strikes are “working,” but the biggest problem I have with it is the ramp up for it (as frost) and the challenges with the D&D anchor.

KDS is the same thing as TDS. Most people on the forums arent good or as good as they think they are. Thats the truth.

Because they arent that good, yet they will try to call out everyone else as being bad.

Or they dont want to face reality. They say things like there have been 4 Lich Kings, that the Wrath and Cata trees say Frost is a 2h spec from the beginning (it doesnt), frost was the tank spec when every single spec could dps or tank.

Tell someone who cares. I dont have to do mythic anything to understand something. This is a fallacy through and through that you MUST do x content to understand something.

Never said that. But no I dont have to play at the top level of play to understand issues with something. I dont have to do Formula 1 to understand square wheels wouldnt work, or it would be bad if you turned the steering wheel left the car turned right is just bad design.

It is simple. Saying it is anything but simple is disingenuous.

maybe if people read what I type instead of playing a stick waving contest would know the answer to this question.

So what? Im not saying everyone does hate it, but it is a bad design. Its objectively bad.

To the people of these forums, this is an untrue statement because they rather change a class into another class than to go play the class that fits their playstyle.

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Truth is DK has problems that need addressed. Carry on arguing mindlessly. I push 25’s and loved to PvP until these stupid defensive nerfs remove DS at this point cause it’s not saving anyone. Wound build is a blast on unholy the aids build is so awfully boring but here we are, frost dk needs a shadowfrost slappy hands and DnD cause both of those talents do no damage for us compared to unholy. Small changes but doable.


I enjoyed my fury warrior and my elctro-melee shaman this xpac. I love my DK, but frost has just felt bad to play since legion went with breath focus, and I’m not much for unholy’s style and have no desire to tank anymore.

Still, I’m hoping we get the love paladins did at the start of dragonflight and we will once again suffer well.

Blizz, if you are reading this please consider these changes.

-Remove all abilities except obliterate
-Obliterate always crits
-Obliterate always does frost damage
-Obliterate causes 50% MS effect
-Obliterate does 360 degree aoe (40 yds)
-Obliterate grants 80% speed
-Obliterate does 1600% more base damage but costs all runes
-Obliterate generates all runes.
-Obliterate kills automatically plant a banner of ownership in the corpse.

Thank you for your consideration.

*Edited for clarity *


You forgot to add that Obliterate heals you back to full HP each time

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It’s well established there are issues with current game play mechanics, yet here you are again with an ever-growing chip on your shoulder telling people to effectively “git good”.

I’ll repeat this again for clarity, the idea behind obliteration is simple, playing properly is way more difficult than that, especially comparing yourself to a sim. Most people won’t ever play obliterate properly due to the negatively double dipping nature of cdr (ice cap) and steep uptime requirements on what have been a fairly movement heavy tier for the important bosses.

Not only that, but the majority of complaints typically revolve around obliterate cleave, DnD, and is generally a chore to play even if you enjoy the spec/class/lore itself.



Ah yes I’m the one with the chip on my shoulder as you all cry everyday on the forums acting as if playing the game we should all love is a punishment.

I’m not saying GIT GUD… but simply stating that when someone that says how easy the spec is… that they aren’t playing, or playing it anywhere near its max potential how in the world can it be so “easy”.

You go on to say again how easy it is and follow up with - except all these things that make it hard -

I am not telling anyone to git gud. Arguing that the class is not “easy” is not the same as telling people to git gud, everyone is so sensitive lol. Never once do I say that.

Really not sure how I am the one with the chip on their shoulder…

Literally not mentioned in this thread calm down chippy boi.

I get it though, people get upset when they are passionate about something, but at least give blizz some regard to making a game and class that can make you all passionate enough to go to the forums to post about. Instead everyone is out here witch hunting saying how they have never done anything right or can’t make a game. Which is clearly just not true. “Appoint a DK dev so we can yell at them and get them fired!”

You’re literally doing the same thing Kelliste does, you two should share a room. Somewhere very far from the forums.

Imagine typing, and then reading that paragraph, and thinking you aren’t being dismissive, rude, and effectively saying “git good” before you come on these forums and trying to post something.

Not even mentioned in the thread? The whole reason threads like this exist are exactly for those reasons. The overwhelming majority or opinion is that frost does not play well, has significant talent issues, and absolutely needs a rework.

You continue to prove you’re top tier clown material.


That these forums pushed for. I have made the list twice of things that these forums asked for that made it into the game and then complained about later or complained about the consequences of that thing being added.

Frostreaper for example, the consequence of this has been complained about since it was put in the game in SL and the only reason why a lot of people arent complaining about Obliterates low base damage is because there are so many KM procs that the base damage doesnt matter. Anyone who doesnt have all those KM procs however complain about Obliterates low base damage.

And what do I do? Point out the reality of things, its just because its in opposition to what you want then I must be doing something wrong. Quit blaming everyone for your delusions.

I think that saying something is easy should require being able to do it at a above average. level.

Lifting a 350 pound object is not “easy” yet it requires nothing but a heavy object and a person. I don’t think every one should be body builders, but I think you shouldn’t call it easy even though the concept of lifting an object can be objectively easy in thought… Same idea. IDK why that is hard to grasp for you.

There’s is a difference of telling people to git gud or they can’t post, and proving that the argument they are using that it is “EASY” is just untrue based of statistical and empirical data. If you can’t understand that I don’t know what to tell you.

Median for FDK in Heroic (for larger sample size) volocross which has no loss of uptime like the above you mentioned, while only looking at the 483-485 ilv parses is 193K While the maximum quartile is 238K and a minimum quartile of 125k

What a giant spread for an “easy” class

In fact according to data, arms, fury, affliction, survival, beast mastery, enhancement, demon hunter are considerably “easier” as there is clearly less differential and room for error. And that’s just on volocross. A non movement fight which should eliminate the issues you stated above right?

And while you continue to gas light and manipulate posts -

Understanding how to do it, and the ability to do it are different things. Thats one thing these forums cant seem to understand as well. A lot of people understand the ins and outs of football, but they cant go out on the field and compete with them.

It is an easy spec. Executing even easy specs within an atmosphere with ever increasing mechanics that Blizzard has to do because of addons is completely different. With all the addons out there like weakauras, DBM, and other stuff and the very high likelihood that you lose your cursor during a fight, there are other things that go into raid performance than just the spec being easy or hard.

what a pair of idiots.

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Manipulate? Gas light? I quoted what you posted. :clown_face:

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So let’s say the forums are responsible for everything frost is right now, what responsibility does Bliz have to look at suggestion and test them to see if they are good before putting them into the game?

I know a certain someone love to crap on the horrible dk forums for how dumb and as intelligent as they and everything that is wrong with dk is forums fault(lol) are but doesn’t blizzard design the game?

Usually a dev assigned to class changes(the rogues I thought had a dev for sure that would get in discord with them and talk about the class or am I remembering that wrong) would take that suggestion and put it into a test build and see if it was good/bad/etc. so god forbid they did implement a suggestion how much are they on the hook for testing designing etc?

I still don’t get though if the dk forums are all dumb trolls and idiots why do certain people spend a lot of their time here especially if they are very superior in every way to the other people that post here lol

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There is no winning scenario for Blizzard. They dont do what people want then they dont know what they are doing, if they do make changed that are suggested you get people saying “what they didnt test them?”. These things were on the PTR and beta, people tested them and liked the change just didnt like another aspect. It was an ever moving goal post.

“Obliterate needs to scale with mastery, even if it only scales with KM procs”

Blizzard does it and balances Obliterates damage to take into account this change.

“There arent enough KM procs and Obliterate feels bad to press”

There is no winning for them.

Im not the only one that has noticed this. Other people have been pointing out that these forums have this hyper focus on Obliterate and have had this hyperfixation for at least 2 expansions right now.

Yes, they do. But that didnt stop people from raising cane about 2h… they designed the spec around DW did they not? Yet it was these forums that pushed and pushed and pushed and for Blizzard to do it their way and they wouldnt have it any other way. So they did for those people… and where are they now? They arent playing.

Because these forums have clearly influenced the design direction for the DK. What should people just not say something to bad design suggestions?

There have been many bad design suggestions and there still are because people, for some odd reason, think splitting the spec even more while still using the same core abilities will just fix everything.

Lets just say Frostscythe ends up being exclusive to DW and Glacial Advance being exclusive to 2h… what does that do to Obliterate and Frost Strike? One would assume that Frostscythe and GA would be the same coin just different sides in design being RP spenders… aoe RP spenders at that and that doesnt fix a damn thing. You dont want to hit RP spenders in the first place so what does that suggestion even do?

Damage has got to come OUT of Obliterate and put into other abilities. 1 ability shouldnt be doing more damage than the next 5+ damage abilities combined. Where does the majority of Obliterates damage come from? KM procs, the many many KM procs available. So Its KM Obliterates that are the problem.

Not a single person has had any good argument against that or any other explanation of why Obliterate makes up 50% of Obliterations overall damage or more, and why everything else sometimes cant even reach 10%.

It just boggles my mind that Blizzard has another game that nails necromancer fantasy, but they screw it up so badly with unholy.

Instead of using corpses as a resource, we have a poor man’s combo point system. :man_facepalming:

And before anyone says “that wouldn’t work in WoW!” please realize that there are a million cool, and flavorful ways to make that work on a single target boss fight, such as Death and Decay spawning corpses from the ground, or the boss itself dropping corpses when damaged.


Remember they also Introduced the Blood Knight to Diablo Immortal… which has done well theme wise (Blood dk could use some love with)


Explain how “corpses as a resource” aren’t just reskinned combo points or wounds.

If you’re building corpses by doing the rotation and then spending said corpses to summon undead, that’s literally just a thematic change off of wounds and wouldn’t actually solve any problems that moving wounds onto the player wouldn’t.