Can you maybe throw us a bone and give us at least ~1K gold at the end of runs that are maybe ~15+ minutes over time? Massively over time almost always means a ton of deaths and it gets expensive. I always scoffed at people who cited repair costs as a reason for leaving groups early, but as my gold is getting lower I’m seeing the effects of never leaving groups.
I just got done with a nightmare key that cost me thousands of gold in repair costs. I didn’t need it for the vault, gear, or IO and it was clear from the first pull that it was going to be a slog, but the key holder really wanted completion for the vault so I stayed. I’m never the first one to leave a group and this doesn’t happen often because usually SOMEONE else will leave this kind of group, but everyone stayed. On top of the repair costs you also have the cost of consumables. I don’t care about more gold in timed keys (though it would be nice too), but don’t make it so punishingly expensive to stay in these kind of groups.
But that’s the thing, I feel like 1k gold isn’t even a reward, it’s just less of a punishment. It’s not a net gain of gold…and if it were just tune it so it’s not and so it’s just less costly.
Why reward a failure? Why keep going if it would be a wipefest? Why not do lower M+ where you have chance to beat the timer with less repairbill. Your losses on Gold Repairs are YOUR FAULT.
Go ask gold from him for repairs to complete a Wipefest Run.
On me, there’s a reason I main and only one toon, Hunter. Becoz the wipefest group could continue to wipe while I survive everything with Feign Death. If I feel I cant survive it and feel I cant even complete it, I am gone. I usually leave a PuG group when I see partymembers too low on gear before we start the key. What is his business on high key? If it’s a lowbie key where I feel I wont die, I could continue. If it’s a high key, I usually leave before we start.
Make it so that the gold reward scales with key level.
They shouldnt be encouraging ppl to fail groups. But if they made successful keys give you more gold then your really good runs could help cover some really bad ones.
But frankly i think blizz prefers that endgame content drain our gold.
Made 18k in mining/herbing in about 45 minutes the otherday
But not always. I’d just get a +2 key and take my armor off and spam deaths for the first 3 minutes, then speed clear the dungeon for an easy 1k gold in 15 minutes.
NW would be my pick. Pull the entire courtyard and just keep releasing and chaining deaths until timer has expired, reset, clear dungeon, wait in front of last boss for the -15 minute mark, clear boss in 30 seconds
I don’t see it as a reward since the gold gained would still be a net loss compared to the repair costs, it would just mitigate the penalty of staying with these nightmare groups. If you go the opposite approach and penalize failure then imagine how many more early disbands you would see at even the slightest struggle.
I love that people want this challenging experience that can be grueling and punishing and yet somehow don’t really want the expensive repairs that comes with it. Maybe while we’re at it we can have insurance companies cover the cost of damage done during NASCAR races because all they really wanna do is drive around in circles, but sometimes stuff happens
I think u kind of missed the point…the vast majority of people don’t want to be in these nightmare groups with dozens of deaths and massively over time…that’s why in most cases people leave early…Choosing to stay and heal these groups while gaining literally nothing is just me being nice…and for that I get punished with huge repair bills.