Please give us Kawaii Elves

Well, they would be very fun to kill and the puppy dog eyes really nail the whole feel of the Alliance, so why not.

it’s not sexy it’s a child I may play on MG but not Alliance tyvm

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It is gnome pretending to be an elf.

hrm someone opened the portal to the feywild.

puts on glasses

Furry hunters.


Help! my squad is being consumed by the furries!!!

They have in the new expansion! WOW CLASSIC.

/points at you, confused

werent you the fellow who pretended to be an elf, had your fingers on your head as ears? lol

oh no he’s on to us

I mean what else do you think the priestess of Elune did all day?

we baked cookies and sat naked in the moonwell washing each other, and you horde ruined it! RUINED IT I SAY!

Dammit Hawkens! Were you bitten?

Leave us hippie elves out of what ever “paint the world fabulous” plan you and the crystal sniffing elves are up to.

You’re already living the dream!

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no, but they tried to sniff me, so i bopped em on the snoot!

points at a random tauren

Wait… that might just be it…

Hawkens, this discovery might save us all from the Vulpera-Panda Onslaught! You genius!

i also spray them with a bottle of water, and toss bacon out of my pockets to lead them away.

How about, ditch the stupid smiley faces and pigtail hairstyles, and give us some proper Warcraft 3 style Elves?


You monster.

The bacon in your pockets may be what is attracting them in the first place.

how else will they leap out of there hiding spot?