Please give us Kawaii Elves

Let’s be real.

Everyone just wants to play cute elves.

They’re not wrong.

You should give both factions Kawaii elves.

Win, win, win.


I thought you said Kawaii Calves.


This is also acceptable.


I thought the same thing too. I dunno how we’ve done it :rofl:



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Please lets just eradicate the Elves already

They have lived long enough anyways.


I’d be down for a world conflict with elves uniting together against everyone else.


No, take the humans out first.


For the unaware(Thankfully I dabbled in a little Japanese…) The word “Kawaii” means “Cute”.

Basically, the OP is asking for cute elves… But the term “Cute” remains subject to opinion.

For many, the term is wholesome, an implication of innocence to the degree where it causes the viewer to smile and wish to protect that which made them smile.

For some, cute is in the attractiveness of the opposite gender. In my case, elf women are already cute in the perspective of potential mates or even as just dating partners.

For parents, and those with experience in life, cute defines something that is still young, innocent, naïve, like a child, or an infant. Referencing babies, puppies, kittens. These sorts of groups.

Honestly, “Kawaii” elves exist. Blood Elves and Nightborne hold that title, with Night Elf women looking cute as well in their own way.

I would rather the weebs stopped butchering the Japanese language and using it in their every day speech with their English. If you’re not a native Japanese speaker, you should not be trying to inject Japanese words into your English commentary. I make this statement rarely now, as we all have seen the painful cringe levels of a weeb phase.

Seriously, if your first language isn’t Japanese, please avoid trying to mix Japanese words into English comments. I can forgive if someone from Japan who natively speaks Japanese as their first language uses some Japanese words to fill in the blanks of their comments, but if you’re an English speaker just sprinkling Japanese words, you just look like the back end of a biped.


Ah the smell of fresh coffee and weebs in the morning.

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Coffee is hell on my digestive system, and weebs smell of “used rags” and ripe with body odor. Honestly, they need to clean their rooms, and wash themselves more. It’s a horrific stench I wish to keep off of me!

Cosplayers are one thing, they wash regularly, and some just want love. But those who deserve love are the ones who work for their amazing bodies!

Then you got the weebs who try to cosplay, and wear the damned thing all the time, making it stink of rotting butt, long spoiled “energy drink”, and whatever rags they use!

Longest rant ever to explain that you missed the High/Kawaii link.

Whole lot of force in here…


We need less elves. Give us Gnominators and Deep-One Samurai/Snake people!

Super Kawaii Elf, Most of All!



There is already a smorgasbord of beautiful elves for me to choose from.

I’m sated, thanks.


I too would like to see Withered forms of Nightborne, San’lyn for both and Wretched customization for Blood Elves.

I’m glad someone finally got up the courage to make a thread about this. I’d don’t care if it’s canon I just want to be edgy and that’s okay.

Stop with this nonsense, I can’t tolerate more elves.


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No, I want vampire elves damn it. Blizz is such a tease it promises vampire elves in BC and then it cured them with holy shenanigans. I was disappointed but I won’t be denied the dream.

You just missed Sunday…

I knew this would be here!

This adorableness stabbed me in the feels!

too adorable!