Please give us at least ONE fresh TBC server

I know this is a topic a lot of people are talking about, but I strongly believe a lot of people quit wrath classic because of the wow token, and with cata coming around the corner I doubt many people will play it. Blizzard even acknowledged this in an interview where they are aware that a lot of people dislike cata. Everyone would LOVE a fresh TBC server, and they most definitely should add faction lock for pvp servers like they did with SoD to even out the population. If you are listening Blizzard, PLEASE do this.


They should have one era server for each expansion. They already did the work porting the game to the modern engine, just leave server up so people can enjoy the xpac they like the most.


I think Azamous did a video on it where he suggested 2 years for each expac, and having 0 paid transactions, and no wow token. But yes, I agree. Era for each expac and if they did that I’m absolutely sure their population numbers would skyrocket.


I saw the WoW token as a good thing, helps me save money and play a game I enjoy.

That was satire… He was reading out the forums lol

Here is my take on it.

TBC was good in its own way, but by no means it was perfect.
I think a lot of us just forgot already.

TBC had some serious balancing issues. Not as bad as Vanilla, granted, but nonetheless, it did.

TBC was actually pretty grindy. Earlier on we had to grind dungeons to Revered to get Heroic keys. It wasn’t quick. It was dozens of runs of the same dungeon over and over.

TBCC Phase 1 (Tier 4) was fun only because it was new. Kara was easy and somewhat fun for the first 5-6 lockouts. Then it just became tedious. Neither Gruul nor Mag were fun.

Phase 2 (Tier 5) was actually pretty bad. SSC just sucked. TK wasn’t anything great either. I’m sure some loved it. Same as there are folks who loved Shadowlands. But the general consensus was that it really sucked.

Tier 6 was good. BT was actually a fun raid.
ZA was a filler. I was a rather simple and quick raid.

SWP was good, but didn’t really scratch the spot for a lot of people.

I have some really really good memories from TBCC. But if I really think about my time in TBCC, and just overall guild/world vibes, it wasn’t all that peachy.

no one left because of tokens or other nonsense.

:thread: :no_bell: :mute:

I enjoyed wrath and vanilla, but TBC was a lot more fun for me
the raid comp issue was not perfect but neither is wrath
arena was way more balanced in tbc. every class hit glad in every bracket until wotlk classic

they’re not even giving you guys Wrath Era servers, what makes you think you’ll get TBC servers after all this time? if you were going to get them it would have been when Wrath launched

Blizzard has decided in their selfishness that crusade/wrath aren’t worth preserving, not even with a single realm. Our solution will be to unsub after wrath is deleted unless you. Cataclysm is going to be mostly dead realms a few months in. Good news is that at least we’ll be free of this wretched scum company and never have to give them money for anything ever again.

When it comes to classic/crusade, I’d never want to return to them anyway without dual spec, tokens, better population management, balance changes… none of which they wanted to do. Their rehosts were doomed to fail up front, which I warned of, as they wouldn’t do anything the games needed to ensure long term success. They shovelwared us. Pretend to care, do minimum effort, make a quick buck, then abandon ship.

If classic got a definitive version with all the changes it needed, now that I would like to play, but it’s never going to happen. Crusade isn’t going to get it either. I’m not signing up for yet another round of “LF TANK” with only 1 good tank class and no dual spec or RDF. No thanks.

I won’t be in it for long. :+1:

You originally posted a wall of quotes. But here you go:

  1. “Selfish” does not mean “obligation.” This is deliberately taking what was said out of context, knowing that wasn’t what was meant.
  2. Wrath will no longer be playable. Call it whatever you want, but the reality remains the same. This is the “it’s a spade not a shovel” argument.
  3. We had to pay them to play crusade/wrath, which we obviously won’t have to do anymore once wrath is gone. Before you even try, no, the token doesn’t count as “free.” Not even giving you a chance to move the goalpost.
  4. I’m playing wrath while it’s here. I’ll be quitting with cataclysm. You act as if I’ve made conflicting statements. But it is you that contradicts yourself on here, not me.
  5. Added the disingenuous clown to the block list. It’s well earned and honestly long overdue.

Edit: Added # 5

“lol wut? why even reply if u clearly have zero clue?”


See you in Cata. :+1:

none of which you said is true.

all these vanilla only andy’s make things up, “ded cata” ded wotlk" all i see is people throwing fits because they are putting in expansions you don’t like, but tons of people od, they just don’t complain on the forums.

I’m sure blizzard will make a server just for 30 people lol

yeah no, the 10 of you that cry on here are the selfish ones, majority of the pop doesn’t care nor would play on era servers.

1 Like
I dislike the massive walls so here's a drop down of my response

They have no obligation to have TBC/WotLK Era servers

Such dramatic words as usual, deleted is such a strong word for something that’s just an expansion.

As would WotLK Era servers I’d bet.

Well good news! You never had to give them anything, you could’ve stopped at any time so go on and start now!

Because of the players themselves, they very much wanted to change things.

But you are playing? Doesn’t make sense to me you talk down on Cataclysm at every turn and yet you’re going to play it? For someone who doesn’t want to give Blizzard money you’re making it hard to not give them money.

No they won’t they’d only make a server if it could actually function as one which needs at least 500 people minimum.

That boat has well and truly sailed. how about - no.

I dislike the massive walls so here's a drop down of my response

What I said…

Yes that’s true, selfish doesn’t mean obligation. With that being said though it’s not them being selfish that they don’t make Era servers other than Classic. Server costs, server maintenance, player retention, these things matter and it seems that Blizzard doesn’t think that there’ll be enough players that the server costs aren’t worth it.

And yet ~99% of the content is still there with people most likely going to be running raids from Classic to WotLK for transmog. Now I’d understand if you mean content being level appropriate but even then you’ve had a year and a half to do everything you’ve wanted in WotLK.

I only had to pay them with my money through Classic to the middle of WotLK… I haven’t given Blizzard a cent since the token got added into the game so yes, it’s free for me. Don’t care if someone had to pay actual money for the token to be there, I’ve paid nothing therefor it’s free for me.

I was mearly responding to your interacting with Zaalg

Since he said “see you in Cata” and with you responding “I won’t be in it for long”, well with that kind of wording it made it seem as if you were actually going to be playing Cataclysm hence the confusion.

Oh and in case you want to remove the context while you edit your first post instead of doing that I’d suggest you just make it a drop down like this post has. If you don’t know how to do that you just highlight what you want to be within the drop down then press the cog wheel > Hide Details. Now you shouldn’t feel the need to remove context from your posts, have fun.

please someone please give us a tbc server! idky but the best time ive ever had in this game was tbcc. i didn’t get to the end but that was when i took the time to really learn how to be a holy paladin and players would tell me i did great and the dungeons were fun. tbc pls so i can do sunwell one day lol

also ill even take a sod ver. im just sick of vanilla tbh


You do know that it’s common that people dislike something they previously didn’t mind right and while I’m glad that you listened and made it a drop down, I do find it funny you didn’t click/respond to it. Kinda makes sense since it’s you were talking about here.

why does Drain do that cringe editing reply thing? Trying to curtail the growth of the 9000 post count?

Just realized that Zachaos is gone. Hope he has not passed away. I will miss him putting the exact same message in literally thousands of threads

Yeah I don’t know either it honestly makes no sense why he’d do it, would just make editing annoying, going back and forth.