Please give us at least ONE fresh TBC server

I am not sure if they do add tbc it might get the token, there will be a market for the glaives and for the orange bow. Which would be a good thing as gdkp might be less toxic if really people are just going for a single item.

People might not want rotational servers, a strong statement of when classic does end like at legion classic, or maybe mop classic would be nice. So a permanent tbc would be a welcome surprise.

There is something nice about tbc something worth revisiting imo.

If we get one, I would love to send this character over there from retail. He was a full S1 lvl 70 pvp hunter, but now he is a level 27 and has no clue how to play retail.

One PVP and 1 PVE server for each expansion would be good enough in my opinion, I bet they would all be overpopulated.


Yeah, very populated and costs nothing to run and maintain.

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Yea idk about that one. Some would play sure, but I doubt you would get the servers full. The community already too split for that. You have the SoD lovers, the hardcore gamers, the Classic progression players and the ones that leave Blizzard games because they can’t play Wrath forever (not many but I’m inclusive)

I guess some people would only play TBC other would only play WOTLK, sure they are a minority but some Pserver people might prefer the safer WoW server too.

People would go play them in between content drought other would just cycle through them from time to time, the population would be minimum healthy in all of them, if its only one server for PVE and PVP, no way it would be dead. lol

I doubt only one server for classic would be enough right now and I’m not talking about SoD.

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There was a time when blizzard looked at how many were playing because there was only one wow and each player was a sub. But now there are several versions of wow with many players playing more than one of them. You’re not looking at it like a business would. If blizzard makes an investment in a version of wow they aren’t asking how many people will play it. They’re asking if it will increase subs and the other income streams. And they’re asking if we don’t make this investment how many subs will we lose.

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Sad but true all that matter for them is the $$$$$ so in the end, it doesn’t matter if people would enjoy something or not if it doesn’t bring in the green bills.

I agree, there needs to be at least 1 server per expansion if they are gonna rerelease each expansion. I for one connect more to TBC because that’s when I started playing WoW.

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pls blizz, 1 pve 1pvp tbc server


Right? Just looked at the Vanilla servers and there is like 50 of them like you could at least do this.

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Well if you did have two servers for tbc you might see the cues we saw in sod launch. So much so they might have to split them. Not sure they seem to be busy with sod right now. I mean is tbc possible but not sure sod at 60 or 50 would be the best time for tbc.

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I agree. And do the same thing for wrath classic to.

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Call it a crazy hunch but based on your last dozen or so comments, I’m guessing you want a permanent wrath server?

Seriously. Stop.

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Not enough interest for WotLK Era servers, WotLK had it’s time, it was great while it lasted.

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It would be really great if it would last forever with one permanent wrath classic realm. It should last until I am gone from the earth.

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