Please give Night Elves these customizations (and more)

Whatever blizz wants to do, its not up to us what we want, they pick what they like which is like unfair for us really. Other creators/Artist do better job then them not to be mean about it.

I wonder if there are even more customizations planned at all other than those boring ones that were datamined for Night Elves so far

Anything to give me more options to look at while I’m alone on Friday night with a gallon of Vaseline

I’m kinda hoping some of the new human customization will hit the humans side of the worgens character models too.

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Love the artwork and suggestions.

I posted this back in November on another NElf customizations thread:


Leave in the hair is what I want the most

I request bigger beards with leaves in those. (not a joke)


The Night Elves are by far the most interesting race on the Alliance. They need serious work on models, faces, customization and a new home!

I fully support this thread.

As regards the abuse of Night Elves in the story. Contempt is precisely what those responsible for the story deserve. Whether you are Horde or Alliance the BfA story was a stupid, hamfisted, nonsensical pile of refuse.

Blizzard should be ashamed of foisting this train wreck on their customers.


Even in their tragedy and ups and downs of writing I have a love of night elf lore and theme…legion felt impactful to me as well with them.

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I personally hope night elves, nightborne, and void elves also get the option to change their ear size like blood elves are getting

I point to exhibit A, Judge Dreta.

Elves are floozy.

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I’ll grant it.

Hotdamn, I’d forgot how stunningly beautiful Tyrande originally looked. the WoW model really didn’t do her any justice atall.


Just going to bump this because the Night Elves seem to be getting their customizations now on Alpha, so maybe some of the art designers at blizz can see this.

I really hope they expand and go more in detail with the customization for NE. As they did for the BEs (as well as the other core races who desperately need it)

And it’s not just hairstyles that needs to be updated imo. Most of the faces still to this day seems botched and is in need of some updates, jewelry cause why not? Highborne customization like you mentioned…

I pray to N’zoth that they don’t forget about the other races.

The male NE seriously need some love.
It’s unfortunate only humans got new facial shapes because I really don’t like WoD NE revamps.

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So far nothing much has happened but I do hope the other races including the Night Elves can get extra customization options. Still waiting on the Beard Options and Animal Features. Plus even the Highborne Night Elf Options too.

Night Elves are still locked in the Alpha, hopefully they will get some new things.


Would love to see some of these options. Especially the hairstyles.

I’d LOVE Azshara skin colors