Please give Night Elves these customizations (and more)

The leaves in hair is something that should of been added long ago. I forgot all about that. I really hope they follow through with ALL of your requests!



I just want the males to have options to not look like truckers.

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Wait what? Is that a joke? Blood Elves???

While I tend to agree the jab at the writing team wasn’t necessary, given what they did with the NEs story line in BFA it’s also hard to disagree with it either…


I know right…they are suppose to be savage style warriors but those oddly shaped aspects confuse me with them.

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These are great.
I think both Female Human an Night Elf could use longer hairstyles with more braids.

I dunno. I play night elves, and I write them on RP servers. I find thinking that the writing team has some kind of vendetta against the night elves to just be silly, considering every race has had problems. Every Horde race was on the verge of genocide from something somewhere. The Tauren with the centaur, the trolls with the murlocs, blood elves and the scourge, so on and so forth.

The difference was we saw the actual attempt here on the night elves rather than heard about it through an announcer.

Don’t NE already have the most aesthetic choices among any race in game? Just saying after 15 years my character still looks like a popsicle person made by a five year old.

Well I mean I think it’s pretty safe to say that the writing team has a personal vendetta against the race because well, suddenly the Night Elves lost 3 zones (got 1 of them back), got nearly wiped out with all their innocents sent to wow hell forever, had their capital and their nation destroyed and their entire revenge / conclusion for that was killing that 1 Val’kyr (which was later confirmed to be recreatable).

Now Tyrande is being portrayed as wrong and crazy for not trusting the Horde and the Horde and Sylvanas are portrayed as heroes for doing those things to the race. Also I don’t want to really spoil anything but seems like in Shadowlands, Tyrande will be paying the price for that revenge she got in 8.1 because the Night Warrior powers are too much for her to handle…

So yea I don’t think that’s written from people that treat all races the same way… the whole thing is just insulting towards the fanbase and we gave them more than enough feedback, yet they make it even worse in Shadowlands.


Expect none of them were used as a plot device to kick off an expansion and then had the entire story arc thrown aside for the rest of it. I don’t have a problem with the invasion or the burning. What I have is a problem with the utter lack of a response from the NEs the entire freaking expansion. I mean Tryande under goes this insanely dangerous ritual to become the living embodiment of Elunes vengeance and for what? So she can struggle with Nathanos and kill a Vulkry only to then utterly disappear from the rest of the expansion. I totally expect us to be living around the streets and parks of SW for the rest of the game, because the writers are too busy with their next “epic” story arc to actually write an ending to this one.


To be totally fair? The gnomes are ahead of you considering they haven’t had a home since the beginning of the game.

Regardless, story lines are continuing from BFA into Shadowlands. We’ve already had confirmation that Tyrande’s story line continues in Ardenwield, and she’ll be playing a big part of it. We’ll figure out what happens there. Personal vendettas and all of that are weird - and I’m far too old to think along that line of thinking. I find the whole thing silly.

Yea, but nowhere did they say that it will be something positive and they also never took the statement back that the Night Elves got their revenge.

Also there have been things datamined which … well let me say that they don’t offer a bright future for Tyrande.


Haven’t we already been over this “communion with past Night Warriors” thing, Elesana?

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Not really? I mean people asked for things like

  • rebuilding of the race
  • revenge
  • justice

And instead we get… Tyrande struggling with her powers and dying / losing them.

Also weren’t you a worgen?


I’ve been a night elf for 15 years. I race change every now and then with muh tokens for keks and a change of pace so I can write new character stories.

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I mean, yes, really. Tyrande struggling with the powers of G O D might be a justified plot point. You also don’t just repopulate thousands of kaldorei in the space of an expansion. Ours is an ancient race of former immortals who never aged and never fell to disease, what makes you think we just have a ton of kids lying around? Can you imagine if nelves had human birth rates with immortal lives in Ashenvale?

Relax. Sylvanas is going headlong into raid boss territory and we’ll get to kill her to loot Nathanos mounts and some stupid bow transmog that my hunter has wanted since Wrath.


Not if those powers of a god weren’t even able to stop Nathanos, simply a stupid conclusion we got and now Tyrande has to die for THAT?

I mean how could they even repopulate, in the streets of stormwind? That’s how much of a conclusion we got. Also no lands and barely any Night Elves left. Ashenvale is Horde territory, Darkshore mostly destroyed and unsafe and Teldrassil completely destroyed.

Not really. The writers see the Horde as honorable heroes and the forsaken as protectors of the living right after Teldrassil so it looks like Sylvanas and Nathanos will turn out to be our heroes - same thing with Tyrande being wrong and crazy for wanting to bring Sylvanas to justice.


Weren’t they the ones that modelled the male night elves chest and waist, plus their idle stance, also showed to be capable of improving the model since they used it and improved it with the Zandalari?

Anyway, joking aside, these hairs look awesome. Not sure how good they’d look in game, though.

But Highborne jewelry and leaves in hair is something I’d love to see.


Give. us. these. customizations!