OK horde holds the keep / alliance has no buff. Where are my NPCs at the outer camp?
It is 100% not acceptable to have no questgivers up in one place or the other.
More fun:
When getting quests after Tuesday reset, none of the elemental quests were available this week (should get 1 at random)
Opposing factions still spawn in the enemy starting area - AOE LAGFEST
People still say their siege cannot use abilities
Unplayable lag even without running addons that have been found to cause it (Details)
Essence of Wintergrasp and who gets it does not appear to follow the intended logic, actually getting worse lately. They say if your faction wins one of the queues but loses a queue that finishes later in the same lockout, your Essence buff is lost. This is not right.
Wintergrasp was awesome in the original form this classic version is the worst its ever been. Main reason I subbed was to play it again. One match and I was like this is Horrible. Blizzard needs to change up their classic Dev team they really SUCK!
Well the alternative was that most servers wouldnt even have a WG game. And the server’s that could have games, only 120 people could join from each faction. You’d rarely get to play at all.
Had to log out without turning in one of the quests last week. Destroying a tower, I went all week without getting defense…then I finally got it, got the quest done, we win…then I don’t have the buff. At this point it’s 10 PM on Monday night, I was not going to stay up till after midnight to see if I got the buff next time. RIP.
Bumped. Multiple wins, no WG buff. Bad enough it is hard to effect the battle when there are 119 others… but it is actually impossible when you win your battle and someone else lost theirs?
100% agree.
However I do believe they are there, it’s just a glitch in the system.
I rode the FP in a few days ago and as I was closing in I could see all the questgivers with a ! or a ? above their heads.
Then as I was dismounted…they disappeared.
The opposing faction had control of the fort.