Please fix the spear of bastion bug

There’s a known exploit against spear of bastion where you can blink/soul shape out of it and it won’t tether you back. Tons of high rated mages are abusing this (or any class that runs night fae or has an instant teleport).

Feels really bad to have my class ability invalidated. Thanks!


Blink removes stuns and bonds (spear of bastion falls under bonds, as would binding shot and maybe ursols vortex)

Soulshape on the other hand does not state that it removes forms of CC so that one is most likely a bug. But blink is not.

I know Door of Shadows (Venthyr ability) does not remove Spear of Bastion

Also you should move this to the bug forums. Reporting a bug on the warrior forums will do nothing. Blizzard rarely comes down this way, let alone any GM’s that scan for bug reports outside of the bug forums.


There’s something specific that you have to do for blink to get you out of spear, otherwise you get pulled back, correctly as intended.

You need to be pulled and then instantly blink I believe, and you need very low latency. Doing this successfully and you’ll be freed from the spear. It appears there’s some sort of very short window of internal cool down on getting pulled back. This should not be able to be abused.

No, it shouldn’t be that. The baseline Blink spell breaks you out of stuns and roots. Baseline Blink should always take you out of Spear.

What you may be thinking of is Shimmer. That is a talent choice which removes the baseline stun break in favor of a second charge.

its just a latency thing, not an exploit. if they blink on the same global, youll see the tether still connected to them but theyll be out.

dont think theres anything u can do to fix it really

Sorry, 100% of mages run shimmer in pvp, even in pve, nobody runs the other talents.

That’s 100% false.

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Good, spear is lame anyway, necrolord is omega chad


Spear is actually NOT a root.

If it was, abilities like Hand of Freedom and Druid Shapeshifting would break it.

100% of mages in PvP are running shimmer. If you are not, you’re trolling, OP is talking about PvP anyway.

It’s actually trash, lots of mages/NF players/monks are starting to pick up on the fact that you can shimmer out of spear if you time it correctly.

Basically invalidates your cov ability entirely lol

I know one of the reasons he said was pvp. I know it is a must there, BUT he included pve.

So, yeah…

A lot of mages do run shimmer in pve though… whether that’s to do important mechanics, continue casting while avoiding mechanics, etc. double shimmer + snapshotting position is some of the best movement in the game and it’s all instantaneous.

But, not 100% of mages in pve. It’s really just personal preference. I switch between shimmer and slipstream just whenever I feel like it. :man_shrugging:

question why would mages getting out of spear of bastion even be a pve concern? lol the fact you tried to justify your statement by sayin that is hilarious


Because… he mentioned pve… and the talents used there…

Read it next time.

how come when I look at warcraft logs for mages, 95%+ of them are running shimmer on each boss fight? This number is even 100% for some of the specs, lmao. Literally 95%+ mages are running shimmer no matter the spec.

I suspect this number would be 99%+ if arcane didn’t sometimes run slipstream for pve reasons…but yeah youre just wrong man, if you aren’t picking shimmer you’re p much trolling. Even on M Sylv 98% of arcane mages are running shimmer.

But… he included pve and saying 100%…

Are… are you willingly being ignorant about that comment??? That and you are saying 95% which really backs up my comments that it’s not 100%. So why reply to me with this instead of tigerjoe?

he literally said pvp 100% of mages run shimmer lmao? why are you even here, we are discussing pvp and pvp mechanics. nobody cares about what mages are running in pve even tho 99% of the good ones are running shim. you a re a legit heroic raider with no pvp experience so wh yare u even in this thread?

Because I look on the class forums of different classes that I play (warrior, paladin, mage, dk, dh) and even try to keep up with things in pvp despite not really doing pvp as much as I used to. All I did was comment on saying that it wasn’t 100% true with him including pve. Thanks for backing me up, but I’m also not afraid to admit that I may have derailed this thread with including that particular comment. That’s all.

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8 sec spear every minute too strong for there being no counter play. Maybe it should auto aim too so it never misses…