Please fix the spear of bastion bug

Just craft an alternative leggo when u q into a class that can immune it. On my kyrian alt war I use either battle lord, mirror or 8 sec spear but wars have so many niche options. Leaper can be great vs dbl dps comps that can kite you between goes, unhinged is still decent, and enduring blow is strong vs classes w disarm

real talk tho, warriors shouldn’t RP as blue angels throwing arcane spears, odyn and the primus fit thematically, i mean pelagos is an embarassment, why would u want to fluid bond with him, all he does ie whine and cry, play a paladin on moonguard or something if that’s what you’re into

But I like the Paragon of Courage.

Well Xandria is cool, she’s like the polar opposite of manchild Pelagos. Kleia isn’t bad either, too bad she’s pigeonholed as prot soulbind for m+ necrotic weeks

It’s really just Pelagos that’s bothers me, cancel .
me on Twitter but crybaby dudes really grind my gears

heres a video that explains all of this also this move is skill less as it gets might as well stun the main target 10 secs and making healing reduced 100% because it does the same thing

i never can get away and it takes skill to blink when your being slowed in team fights to get away from these spears of no skill kills its really takes me away from team fight as a healer and spend most of my resources on my self when the teams dyeing because one warrior gets to spilt roast me

but sorry areas are too hard for you that pros can exploit the blink after being pulled at the right time