Please fix the mob tagging, the new"boosting" in HC Classic

Semantics. Playing with your friends is the point of the entire MMO genre. If you believe leveling with your friends/guildmates/random people who are on the same quest as you is wrong, then MMO’s are not for you.

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How does it impact you?

Other than offending your sensibilities.


Does it offend your sensibilities? Because I never said it did for me.
Maybe you should make an introspection of your senses and feelings and stop projecting them into others.

It is power leveling, regardless.
The fact that one bothers you and the other doesn’t tells has a name that starts with H and ends with ypocrisy.

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You understand the use of semantics is to attempt to ignore the context of a situation and directly apply it’s meaning across the broad spectrum of possible situations, right?

In this case, you don’t care if someone is leveling with friends or has paid someone to help them, you have decided you don’t like it and you want it taken out the game or so heavily restricted that it isn’t appealing.

I guess it doesn’t matter if someone is attempting to murder you and you shoot them in self defense. You still murdered them and you should get whatever the maximum penalty in your area is.

It makes no difference.
Someone can be paying others to power level them through the very same thing which you’re saying “playing with friends”.

My friends used to boost me in Mara / ZG also.

It could’ve been about semantics, but you made it all about rhetoric with your half sided story.

Yeah, context makes all the difference. Again, the murder analogy.

That’s the point here. If someone is getting help from their friends, they are playing the game as intended, period. If someone has paid others to help them, they are violating the ToS because money changed hands (specifically real-world money).

What “half-sided” story is that?

MAge boosting was never about RMT, it was about gold.

I think you’re purposefully driving the conversation AWAY from the very same reason why Mage boost was “deactivated” by the devs and so it was the pally boost as well.

Regardless which class is doing, how they are doing and where they are doing, it is all the same.

I was never against Mage boost or anything at all, but since there was a decision from Blizzard, and the reasoning is in line with also changing the way XP is given when there is a group of people exploiting the XP system to power level a player.


Mage boosting was problem because people were paying for it. Gold and real money was involved and that is a huge issue because gold farmers used it to their benefit.

What I have been referring to is your disdain for any sort of group assistance with leveling. Getting rid of that or making so cumbersome that it is not worth doing takes away the entire point an mmo.

You were never against mage boosting but you’re against group leveling. You want the game to be changed completely because it bothers you to see others doing something you’re not or can’t do. It doesn’t affect you but it makes you so upset that you decided to come to a forum and publicly declare how upsetting it is for you.

There’s no higher meaning to your argument, you simply don’t want others to level with help, in any form, because apparently, you don’t like it now that your preferred method was shut down. That’s just a very entitled and selfish view.

paying gold for whatever is not violation of ToS. Stop being nonsensical.

When you can make a link between the person getting paid gold and that same person selling the gold, yeah, that’s a problem. Shutting down the source/connection for that gold makes plenty of sense.

And to your point, mob tagging is not against the ToS but you want it to be. So, stop being nonsensical.

That’s not condescending or an attack on their character at all tho right? Just merely pointing out more facts as you state it. nom nom nom goes Earl the troll.

It obviously offends your sensibilities because you’re here whining about it, probably because you have no friends willing to help you.

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This is the kinda guy during the honor buddy bot days he’d be like “what bro, don’t have $40 for the bot”

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See, this is trolling. You’re going from post to post taking your disdain for my opposition to your views as fuel to attack me further.

Yeah, I know it hurts to get called out when you just want to keep bashing people and get away with it. nom nom nom

Keep going. Every post is another step to getting you banned.

It’s cheesy and cheap. But, at the end of the day, the person who cheesed their way to cap knows deep down they sucked too much to do it on their own.
Boo Hoo
Guys, don’t get all mad about it, just
at them, you’ll feel much better. :+1:t4:

LOL, no one is printing bannable stuff so far…

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Oh I will, if you haven’t got banned I’m not going to have any issues. How am I able to keep finding these posts of you being a condescending hateful person if I’m the only one putting you in the bad light? Is this the third example I’ve found now?

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There is gold selling right now in HC.
We could say that most of the top guilds are selling gold.

I actually could prove that at least 2 members of <…> for example are gold sellers (from the very beginning of classic), one specific member does sell accounts and has sold at least 5 or 6 accounts to the best of my knowledge.

There is a difference in saying and proving.

So, when you condemn Mage boosting because of gold selling, same can be also said for the mob tagging.

You should stop projecting your own feelings onto others.
It is unbecoming. And beneath any sense of dignity.

You most certainly know a lot about not having friends. I wouldn’t have thought of associating someone discussing an issue about the game with the fact of not having friends.
I guess it must be a toll on the likes of you not having friends.

Isn’t this too much projecting?

Shows that you’re a really weak person.

Speaking of bans, it’s the holidays, perfect time to get off the forums for a few, eh?