Please, FIX scaling for crying out loud

Well what happens when ya trust a washington lawyer?

Aye Thats right, nothing good.

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Every time they scale it is scaled based on the new cap (i.e. 60 now).

So expect nothing to change until you reach the new cap.

I know it sucks, but it has literally happened with every number squish to date and now this one.

So sadly this is par for the course for them.

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Agree, its pretty sad to see the lead dev cannot even be honest to its own community at all. Makes me not want to believe a single word out of him, because once a blatant liar, always one. The disrespect to player’s trust is just appalling


Hellfire mythic is slightly slower to kill. Molten core has a huge aggro range now instead of just walking past stuff. Islands are the worst offense I’ve seen. Stuff hits much harder, so its like we lost corruption and mobs gained it. Bfa dungeons are the best scaled to before, thats why they seem easy for mythic plus.

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yep, blame Ion yet again. We did not need a level squish. They are just dumbing the game down for the non existent new players because monies. Level 10 is literally 3 times as powaful as level 46. Pretty crappy tuning I’d say. Plus the level 10 is usually a TANK crushing the dps.

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