Please, FIX scaling for crying out loud

Skill Issue

telling people to quit the game. thats a very good idea. what happened last time blizz tried that as a pr strategy?


Its not a “pr strategy” and I am not “blizz.”
Its the truth and hard truths cut both ways, as a wise man once said.

If you would quit the game because for a few weeks you need a friend to be able to farm recent raids for transmog, you probably should just look at that as an indication that you are not interested in what this game offers long term.

There is SO much in it, and this one thing is apparently such an issue?

That’s hard for me to believe.

In an ideal world, it shouldn’t have happened, but this is anything but that world this year.

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Just a heads up, you have to separate them to make their defense buff fall off.

Them taking forever if you didn’t split them isn’t a problem that was introduced in the prepatch.

That music made me cry tears of joy. Such eloquent beauty captured in slow motion.

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It’s cool that a single trash elite in islands (e.g. goats) hit my 465 equiv geared plate characters for 10% of max HP on a regular melee hit followed by a special for 25% of max HP. When there are 4-5 of them around a point of interest on the map.


Imagine that devs wont allow people to solo queue for the isles in shadowlands as well. And imagine being able to keep your own promises like a decent person instead of putting up a lie.

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You were soloing all of those things at max level withe the help of corruptions. Are you max level right now? Do you have corruptions? No? Okay then.

Once we hit 60 we will be just fine.

This is something that can’t be avoided. Your character cannot have endless power growth over 16 years. The secondary stats have to be reset with each expansion or crit would have been capped years ago. Your haste would be gcd capped, etc.

If you can’t see why this happens, then you are being obtuse on purpose just to be angry about something.


A side story to this scaling issue is random mobs in old xpacs that are level 50 when they should be level 30. I thought about making a list as I was going through some old content but I didn’t bother.

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Are you really this dumb? Corruptions had next to nothing to do with survivability except for the few classes that stacked vers/haste amps.

This stupidness trickles down. I tried a normal island on a fresh “120” (50) and the difficulty was extreme when in comparison to my geared plate characters. Two healers + one DPS and normal trash on the island was causing our health to yo yo back and forth like we were in a TBC heroic or raid.

The devs are idiots plain and simple.


Yea, My 50 rogue can’t even solo a normal dungeon anymore… some old boss even require 10-20hits instead of being 1 shot. A fresh 50 can’t even do some old raids.


Imagine still caring about strength of your character when every tier launch and season start has been a near complete reset of gear strength for several years (and yes even before legion).

What the above apologist is actually saying is that it shouldn’t matter that everyone leveling from 10-50 from now on can’t even do content relevant to that expansion while they’re leveling up because Activision devs be bothered to not break the systems in the game.


I never used corruptions, even on my characters that had the cloak, because 8.3 felt like manipulative trash. My tanks were nonetheless able to solo normal dungeon. Obviously I don’t anymore. I actually am able to notice when mobs are harder than they were before the prepatch. Odd how it works that people can make observations, eh?


Wasn’t BC delayed?

The green text in this thread is Activision’s version of Baghdad Bob.


I’d like to continue to be on record saying squishing is pointless

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When something is scaled, the effective damage dealt or taken should not change. A scale is a ratio, zooming in or zooming out.

I’ve even noticed that soloing ICC takes longer, now, oddly enough.

And, frankly, a “power bonus” shouldn’t even be needed. It’s weird dealing hundreds of thousands of damage to one enemy 20 levels beneath you, but 1/10 the damage to someone the same level as you.

Something is just… off.


level 60 gear will fix it grin