Please fix: Holy Priests are getting shafted in Shadowlands

Priest was my first class back in vanilla but I finally gave up on him in BFA and switched to hunter. I love to heal, but priests are just no fun now.

The last time I enjoyed my priest was discipline in WOD. You will be much happier if you retire your priests.


I would have to agree with OP, I recently have been playing my holy priest alt in mythic +, they definitely need some work. I personally would prefer playing holy over disc.

How about our healing spells to give the dps some dmg buff or whatever ? Wich will compensate that we heal and not doing dmg ?
mobility it’s a big problem … At least as void elf I can move at some encounters fast enough .
I play with holy priest since 2008…
We need a Survival ability and something about mobility …

To get in grp for myth+ it’s not easy this expansion. I don’t want to change my main ! I don’t want to be forced to do it …


At the very least give us a Battle Rez, it feels odd that being a main healer we are so overly shadowed without this ability.


So what you’re saying is you want homogenization for holy priests… :white_check_mark:

Holy priest is the most “vanilla” and iconic healing spec in all of WoW. When you think healer, what comes to mind? HOLY PRIEST. It’s a very reactive healer and is also a turret healer.

Holy priest is fine. Unless you’re running keys past 18s, which you’re not, they can complete every bit of content there is. There is no need to push beyond 15s. It’s not a need, it’s a want. There are always going to be classes and specs that are favored for certain types of content.

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I am assuming you mean homogenization as in making all of the healers the same.

No, this is not the end goal, and we would not be the same. All of the healers have different play styles. Holy is traditional caster, disc is atonement, paladin is cleave, druid is hots, monk is fistweave, etc.

What we are asking for is for holy priest to have a way to do damage as part of its healing rotation, which keeps the core identity of the class intact.

Holy priest is not fine, and unless you can post on a holy priest doing at least 10+ or heroic or whatever I don’t think you know enough about the spec to say that.


Well by making holy priests do what some of the other healers do, you’re pushing toward homogenization.

That’s not how they work though. They are meant to be a spammy turret healer.

I’ve ran with quite a few holy priests in the 15+ range and they can be on par with your average mistweaver for overall damage. Problem is that a lot of fools think you can use your raid healing set in a mythic+ environment. For dungeons, it’s all about crit/haste. Haste being the important difference. In raids, you usually want as little haste as possible and as much mastery as possible. Guess what, your mastery doesn’t do squat for your dps.

So by stacking crit/haste, you can buff your dps and still heal effectively in a mythic+ run.

I have a high crit/haste build with the rings I have currently equipped which turns healing into damage and gives me huge TD procs.

We still lack utility/mobility and even with my setup it doesn’t solve the fundamental issue that we just can’t do enough DPS in the small windows we have not healing.

I’m not pushing towards homogenization. The utility and mobility that priest can have can be different than other specs, and the way we do damage can be different to. You are equating holy priest has damage == we are all the same which is just not true.

The game is no longer designed around content where a pure healer is more valuable than someone with lots of utility. All of the healing specs are capable of healing any content.


Blizzard doesn’t know what they’re doing anymore. It feels like they just spin a wheel with a bunch of ideas on it or throw a dart at a wall with ideas written all over it. I’m sure the best key healers will still be Resto Druid and Holy Pally, and raid healers will be Disc and Holy Pally. Resto Shamans will be once again brought for 1 ability. And Holy Priests will be in the corner saying I wish I at least had Spirit Link.

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They should just reduce the base CD of Serenity and Sanctuary in half and call it good. Holy is completely fine until you need to chain cast because flash throughput isn’t great

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This! Healing is hardly even a role anymore!

I feel like that would just be surrendering to the madness that is “everyone is a DPS now”.


Yeah, poor holy priest looks terrible in that class change description compared to every other spec getting amazing new toys and talents.

The shadow stuff is a nice to have for like world quests and such, but not game-changing (for holy) the way it might be for disc. CoH->PoH spam synergy - that just doesn’t do anything for the spec that it’s lacking.

We could even lose raw healing abilities at this point if it meant some utility/DR/survival elsewhere. If anything, it’s not shadow but disc’s toolkit we need access to.


We have to accept the game for what it is. Disc, for example, is a thing now and they HAVE to do damage to heal. And of course they also have to do enough healing for them to heal all of the content. So if disc can heal all of the content and DPS while doing it, why would you take a holy priest that just heals?


Honestly holy priest after seeing the “upcoming changes” looked like a healer I absolutely do not plan to touch. Boring.

It’s like monk gets to summon an awesome dragon now and so much cool stuff.

Shaman gets to make up for it’s inability to heal and DPS at the same time with totems, and boost to it’s gap in burst healing with earthen armor update.

Disc priest even gets SOMETHING.

And then there is holy getting meme’d on.


Blizzard has hated holy priests for a long time now.


We’ve been neglected, but I think the “hate” is really that they started designing new content without thinking about the ramifications for specs that are really built for old style content. And here we have holy priest.


It just feels like all other healers are moving foward in their designs and utilitys and holy keeps getting shafted being a bland healbot blueprint…

I love its healing style but holy words can feel too restrictive sometimes and the lack of defensives, passive dmg potential and utility really hurt us in anything beyond heroic raiding…

They should give it at least a battle rezz since priests are one of the only classes lorewise who do it in a consistent manner, rework the whole defensive/mobility tier, while giving us feathers baseline (i mean the talent that gives us 10% dmg reduction while we have renew on was supposed to be a temporary fix until they had a better solution, but here we are still with that…) Do something nice with fade for once that isnt a pvp talent. Or the option to activate spirit of redemption in combat without dying like the pvp talent.

Since power inffusion is making a return for priests holy could have a talent that allows them to expand on that, like having charges or cd reduction so that they could still be helping indirectly with group dmg and being more in line with a supportive nature.

Guardian spirit giving some ammount of dmg reduction wouldnt hurt either…


Holy words don’t feel as powerful in bfa as they did in legion. The oomph just isn’t there. Even then they didn’t feel like anything special or unique when you casted them. They are just another button to press in our long chain of ones to do so when they are supposed to feel good. They are important because blizzard made salv so important. Salv feels great but still not as great as it did originally. But I want the entire class to feel great and not 1 button we press every 5 minutes or less or sometimes just once a fight.

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It’s not just holy priest. Without shadow azerite traits, Shadow will essentially be dead on arrival, and discipline is doubling down on the gas pedal aspects of going down the damage rabbit hole and leaving the idea of mitigation behind.

I don’t like anything that I’ve seen so far, but it is early alpha and I’m hoping priests are revisited because they need something.


shadow is even more broken, fix that crap first

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